Plastic Surgery Fraud Exposed

**Schemes to Fraudulent Cosmetic Savings: Allegations Rise Against Andrea Araujo Ruiz** Accusations of fraud and deceit have been filed against Andrea Araujo Ruiz for promising plastic surgery savings, with multiple victims claiming financial losses.

**Fraud Accusations Surface Against Woman Offering Plastic Surgery Savings Schemes; Eight Complaints Filed with FGE**

At least eight women have lodged fraud complaints against Andrea Araujo Ruiz, who purportedly ran savings schemes to fund plastic surgeries. The allegations extend to her relatives, César Vargas, María Aceves, and Alejandra Araujo Aceves, who have also been implicated.

On September 12, a group of women approached the State Attorney General’s Office to file their complaints. These incidents date back to 2018, when Andrea began promoting her financing company, CIA Beauty & Health, via social media.

One victim, Cinthya Rebollar Gil, claims to have paid 65,000 pesos for a liposuction that never happened. Andrea was reportedly employed at Jerusalem Clinic, owned by Juan Betancourt, who is currently imprisoned for fraud and practicing without a license. The clinic faced closure actions after the surgery-related death of María Elena Chacón, wife of the Guatemalan consul in Denver.

After completing her payments in September 2020, Cinthya received a series of excuses instead of the scheduled procedure. Nancy Vanessa González was the first to share her story online, which encouraged others to speak out. González claims she was defrauded out of 180,000 pesos. Combined, about 30 victims have reported losses totaling approximately 2.5 million pesos, but only eight formal complaints have been filed.

Andrea Araujo Ruiz and César Vargas presented themselves at the State Attorney General’s Office on the same day the complaints were lodged. As they left, the complainants confronted them, demanding, “When will you return our money?” Andrea retreated into the building, avoiding further confrontation, while Vargas filmed the accusers.

Andrea has since restricted her social media profiles but has circulated videos where she claims victimhood and denies ever asking for money. Despite her assurances that her business is registered with the tax authorities, investigations revealed this is not the case. Her former office in the Madero neighborhood has been closed and the signage removed.

According to obtained information, only Andrea Montserrat Araujo Ortiz and Alejandra Araujo Aceves face fraud allegations. Payments were reportedly made directly to the personal accounts of the accused.

**Additional News on Cosmetic Surgery Fraud Cases**

*San Diego Woman Arrested for Similar Scam*

In related news, San Diego authorities have arrested a woman accused of running a similar fraudulent plastic surgery financing scheme. Miranda Lopez, 35, allegedly defrauded victims of over $300,000 by promising discounted cosmetic surgeries that were never arranged. The victims were enticed through social media advertisements, similar to those used by Andrea Araujo Ruiz.

Investigators revealed that Lopez operated multiple fictitious clinics and employed unqualified individuals to perform procedures. Among those affected were residents from both sides of the US-Mexico border, highlighting the international reach of such scams.

Victims are urged to come forward to aid the investigation and help prevent further fraudulent activities.

*Australian Surgeon Exposed for Unethical Practices*

In another case, an Australian surgeon was exposed for performing unauthorized procedures, leading to patient injuries. Dr. Matthew Harris faced legal actions after numerous complaints emerged about his dubious practices at a private clinic in Melbourne.

Patients reported severe complications from surgeries that were often conducted without proper sterilization protocols or adequate post-operative care. Regulatory bodies have since revoked Dr. Harris’s medical license and urged other potential victims to report their experiences.

The increasing number of fraud and malpractice cases in the plastic surgery industry underscores the need for patients to conduct thorough research and verify the credentials of medical practitioners before undergoing any procedures.