PAN Deputy Advocates Inclusion

PAN deputy urges Tijuana Mayor Burgueño to prioritize unity and inclusivity for all residents, emphasizing collaboration and addressing city challenges beyond party lines.

### PAN Deputy Urges Ismael Burgueño to Govern “for All Tijuana Residents”

**By Eduardo Andrade Uribe**

On the first day of his administration, César Damián Retes, a representative of the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) in Baja California’s legislature, called on Tijuana’s new mayor, Ismael Burgueño Ruiz, to serve all citizens equally. Retes urged Burgueño to focus on unity and inclusivity as he leads the city.

“For Tijuana’s sake, I hope Burgueño’s tenure will be for everyone, as we all want to live without fear and have opportunities to improve our families’ lives,” Retes stated on October 1st. As the Secretary-General of Unidos, Retes’s plea to the former state leader of Morena stems from a desire to foster coordination and collaboration with the new administration. Though his initial attempts to contact Burgueño were unsuccessful, Retes remains determined.

On the issue of migration, Retes stressed the need for legal reforms, adequate security resources, and preventive measures, all of which he believes are crucial for the welfare of Tijuana. Emphasizing his role as a representative of Tijuana rather than just a PAN member, Retes revealed his ongoing efforts to establish a working relationship with Burgueño, despite no response.

“From my position as a federal deputy, I am here to offer constructive cooperation with the municipal government led by Ismael Burgueño Ruiz. I am ready to work towards the betterment of all Tijuana residents while also remaining vigilant of any actions that might counteract the community’s welfare,” Retes affirmed.

Calling for the transcendence of party and ideological divisions, Retes emphasized the need for unity in addressing Tijuana’s challenges.

Sandra Magaña Ríos, leader of the PAN councilors, echoed Retes’s sentiments during the inauguration ceremony of the XXV Tijuana City Council. She criticized the previous administration under Montserrat Caballero Ramírez for falling short of expectations and urged Burgueño to avoid past mistakes. Magaña stressed the importance of selecting qualified individuals for key positions and collaborating effectively with state and federal governments.

“Tijuana has regressed instead of progressing, and it’s time to stop blaming former administrations. It’s time to take responsibility and deliver results,” said Magaña, who, alongside Georgina Arana Cruz and Miguel Loza Ginuez, forms the PAN faction in the council.

### Additional News

**Worker Protests Disrupt Border Crossing**

On October 1st, judicial workers orchestrated a protest at the Otay border crossing, resulting in the temporary closure of Bellas Artes Boulevard. The action disrupted traffic flow and led to considerable delays, highlighting ongoing tensions and demands for improved working conditions within the judiciary.

**Sheinbaum Receives High-Profile Endorsements**

Former Presidents Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderón extended their congratulations to Claudia Sheinbaum on her political achievements. Sheinbaum reassured the public that she will not revert to past strategies in the war against narcotics, specifically criticizing the approach implemented during Calderón’s term.

**Local Government Developments**

In Ensenada, the city council approved new public office positions but postponed the election of the municipal treasurer. This decision underscores ongoing administrative processes and the complexity of local governance dynamics.

**Support for BCS Government**

Chris Teal emphasized the importance of supporting the local government and community in Baja California Sur. His remarks underscore the ongoing efforts to strengthen regional administration and community engagement.

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