Palomar Shelter Opens Doors

Tijuana Archdiocese and State DIF collaborate to open “Palomar de los Niños” shelter for homeless children, providing a safe haven staffed by Missionary Sisters of Guadalupe.

### Tijuana Archdiocese to Open “Palomar de los Niños” Shelter for Homeless Children

The Tijuana Archdiocese, in collaboration with the State DIF, will inaugurate the “Palomar de los Niños” shelter on Monday, September 23rd. This initiative aims to provide a safe haven for homeless children in the region. According to Archbishop Francisco Moreno Barron, the shelter will primarily serve young children and will be staffed by the Missionary Sisters of Guadalupe, who have traveled from Culiacán, Sinaloa to support this mission.

“We hope to offer affection, support, and education to these children through the efforts of the religious sisters. Our goal is to provide them with the foundation they need to eventually lead independent and fulfilling lives,” Archbishop Moreno Barron stated.

The presence of priests at the shelter has not yet been determined as it currently seems unnecessary. “There’s a contradiction in our society where, despite increasing discussions about protecting and promoting children’s rights, violence against children continues to persist,” he added.

While specific details such as the location and the number of children to be accommodated remain undisclosed, the blessing ceremony to mark the shelter’s opening will take place on Monday, September 23rd at 11:00 a.m.

### Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop

Due to Archbishop Moreno Barron’s delicate health condition, which includes recovery from prostate surgery and current cancer treatment, the Pope has assigned an auxiliary bishop to assist him. This request had been pending for three years.

“Once the ordination ceremony takes place, I will define the auxiliary bishop’s specific responsibilities. He will be named the vicar general and will have additional special assignments, particularly regarding the Seminary, which has been functioning well with a dedicated team of formators,” stated Moreno Barron.

Presbitero Mario Nicolás Villanueva Arellano, 53, has been designated as the auxiliary bishop. He brings with him 21 years of priestly ministry and 18 years of experience in seminary formation.

“I believe the challenges are always present, and my aim will be to closely follow the program established by His Excellence and support it,” said Villanueva Arellano.

### Secondary Article: Latest Developments on Child Welfare in Tijuana

Amid the ongoing efforts to support vulnerable children in Tijuana, new initiatives have continued to flourish:

**New Shelters and Programs Launched:**
Tijuana recently saw the inauguration of several shelters aimed at providing refuge and resources to homeless children. These initiatives are part of a broader, community-driven effort to ensure that every child has access to education, healthcare, and emotional support.

**Increase in Community Support Programs:**
There has been a significant rise in volunteer and non-governmental organization participation, indicating a strong community commitment to child welfare. Local businesses and residents have been donating both time and resources to support these causes.

**Government Involvement:**
Local and state governments have been increasing funding for child protection services and programs. This move has been applauded by social activists who see it as a positive step towards ensuring the safety and wellbeing of Tijuana’s children.

These continued efforts reflect a growing awareness and urgency within the community to address and combat issues affecting homeless and vulnerable children. As the “Palomar de los Niños” shelter and other initiatives take root, the hope is that they will significantly impact the lives of Tijuana’s most vulnerable young populations.

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