Norma Pina Supports PJF Blockade

Norma Piña stands with PJF workers at San Lázaro, echoing support for judicial independence. A united front against potential reforms gains momentum amid growing tensions.

### Norma Piña Visits PJF Workers Blocking San Lázaro; “Pink Tide” Calls for March

Norma Lucía Piña Hernández, President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), showed her support to the Judicial Power of the Federation (PJF) workers who are blocking access to the legislative palace of San Lázaro. The blockade, which started on August 21, intensified on September 3, with around 700 workers closing access points to the Chamber of Deputies to prevent the discussion of judicial reform.

Piña arrived dressed in a white shirt with the SCJN, Federal Judiciary Council (CJF), and PJF emblems, showcasing a quote from José María Morelos y Pavón: “that everyone who complains with justice has a court that hears them, shelters them, and protects them against the strong and arbitrary.” Her visit, lasting about 40 minutes, included taking selfies, sharing hugs, and receiving supportive messages from the PJF workers, who chanted, “You can see, you can feel, the Minister is here!”

Accompanied by chants like “The Judiciary will not fall!” and “The impartial judge, is from the judicial career!”, Piña raised her fist in solidarity with the protesters. Simultaneously, over 200 NGOs forming the “Pink Tide” called for a march to support the PJF, set for September 8, starting from the Angel of Independence to the Senate of the Republic.

Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, a member of the National Civic Front (FCN), announced that former SCJN Minister José Ramón Cossío Díaz would be speaking at the march, emphasizing the need for citizen support of the judicial system against the proposed reform.

On September 3, entrepreneur Claudio X. González Guajardo from Unidos emphasized the significance of peaceful civil resistance against the reform. Additionally, the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM) expressed concerns on September 5, warning that the reform could undermine the judiciary’s autonomy and the separation of powers as stipulated in the Constitution.

The CEM emphasized the importance of hearing feedback from judicial professionals, advocating for a comprehensive judicial system reform addressing corruption and impunity. They urged the Senate to analyze the situation thoroughly, considering the nation’s well-being beyond partisan lines.

### Additional News: Public Protests and Political Tensions Surround Judicial Reform

As the PJF workers’ blockade approached its third week, public sentiment and tension around the judicial reform proposal continue to escalate.

#### 1. Community and Politicians Voice Concerns

Multiple sectors of society, including university students and civil organizations, have vocalized their apprehensions about the reform. Critics argue that the proposal would excessively politicize the judiciary, compromising its ability to administer justice impartially.

#### 2. Political Reactions and Statements

Various political figures have weighed in, warning that the reform could destabilize the balance of power within the government. Opponents to the reform argue it would threaten democracy and undermine judicial independence, potentially leading to greater authoritarian control.

#### 3. International Observations

International monitoring organizations have also shown concern. They highlight that reforms limiting judicial independence could affect Mexico’s human rights standing globally, impacting international relations and foreign investment.

#### 4. Nationwide Marches and Demonstrations

In anticipation of the march organized by the “Pink Tide”, similar demonstrations are planned across major cities in Mexico, amplifying the public outcry against the judicial reform. These nationwide efforts aim to bring attention to the urgency of preserving a fair and independent judicial system.

### Conclusion

Amid the escalating political environment, the upcoming marches symbolize a critical juncture for Mexico’s democracy and judicial independence. The collective voices of citizens and organizations stress the imperative need for constitutional integrity and justice reform that genuinely serves the public interest.

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