New Proposal to Replace Usicamm

The education sector closely watches a proposed teacher evaluation system to replace Usicamm. Catalina Ortiz Macías emphasizes the importance of fair transitions, student empowerment, and stable teacher payments amid educational reforms.

**Education Sector Keenly Observes Proposed Replacement for Usicamm**

Leaders in the education sector are closely monitoring the proposal for a new teacher evaluation system intended to replace the Unidad del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros (Usicamm). Catalina Guadalupe Ortiz Macías, director of the Escuela Normal Fronteriza, has expressed the community’s interest in the logistical and educational implications of this potential change. “We will be vigilant in seeing how this process unfolds, what alternatives emerge, and the implications thereof, all while ensuring the students remain empowered and safe,” she stated.

Ortiz Macías explained that it is premature to provide a definitive opinion on the forthcoming proposal. The focus, she suggests, is on understanding how schools will participate in the transition phase. This initiative coincides with political shifts in the country’s educational landscape, which opens the door to new opportunities and changes.

Egresados from the normal school will partake in calls to fill interim positions or secure permanent roles in educational institutions. Additionally, Ortiz Macías highlighted the importance of timely payments for interim teachers, emphasizing the need for fair compensation and recognition of educational professionals’ rights. “Graduated students deserve what we need to be okay, what we merit and require – all the rights of a professional in education,” she affirmed.

**Secondary Article: Parental Actions Highlight Teacher Shortages**

In a related development, parents have blocked entry to a primary school in protest of the lack of educators. This reflects widespread concerns about teacher shortages, with 17 schools reportedly affected, according to the State Education System (SEE).

At the “José Santos Valdez” primary school, parents have staged demonstrations due to the absence of teachers, drawing attention to the pressing need for a robust staffing solution in the educational sector. This scenario underscores the urgency of reforming existing systems, including possibly replacing Usicamm, to address these systemic issues.

Governor’s Office Reports on Teacher Payment Issues

Recent reports from the governor’s office suggest an acknowledgment of the payment delays that have affected interim educators. Officials stress the necessity of addressing these financial issues to maintain stability within the school system.

The current educational challenges emphasize the need for comprehensive reviews and reforms within the system, ensuring that all students receive quality education and support from well-compensated and motivated educators.