New Mayors Begin in Baja CA

Baja California welcomes seven new mayors, including historic firsts like female mayor Claudia Agatón Muñiz in Ensenada. With new leaders and ongoing projects, the region anticipates transformative changes.

### New Mayors in Baja California

This Monday marks a significant milestone for Baja California as seven new mayors take office, highlighting the historic inclusion of San Felipe and San Quintín as municipalities.

In Mexicali, the state’s capital, Norma Alicia Bustamante Martínez will be sworn in for a second consecutive term, making history as the first re-elected mayor in the capital. Previous attempts at re-election by other municipal presidents have been unsuccessful.

Román Cota, a former local deputy from Baja California’s Sixth District, becomes the new mayor of Tecate. Cota inherits a pressing issue, with the municipality facing a shortage of approximately 150 municipal police officers, currently operating with just 190.

Ensenada also ushers in a historic change with Claudia Agatón Muñiz becoming the first elected female mayor. Agatón, previously a local deputy for the Labor Party (PT), joined the Movement for National Regeneration (Morena) in December 2023.

For Tijuana, this term marks the third consecutive Morena administration, with Ismael Burgueño Ruíz taking the helm after a contentious primary battle with Montserrat Caballero Ramírez and Érik “Terrible” Morales.

San Quintín’s first municipal government will be led by Miriam Cano Núñez. Similar to Tecate, Cano highlights a significant shortage of municipal police officers as a primary challenge.

In San Felipe, despite challenges from the Mexican Green Ecologist Party (PVEM), José Luis Dagnino was confirmed last week as the elected mayor under Morena.

Finally, Playas de Rosarito sees Rocío Adame, a former Baja California Congress deputy, assuming the mayoral office.

For Baja California, this Monday’s ceremonies mark a new chapter with a mix of seasoned politicians and historic firsts that promise to shape the region’s future.

### Secondary Article: Development Projects and Safety Concerns in Baja California

Various issues and developments continue to shape the political landscape in Baja California:

– **City Infrastructure Developments**: The Governor of Baja California has announced the completion of the new hospital in the Eastern Zone. Initially set to be ready by December 2023, residents now eagerly await its opening date.

– **Road Safety Initiatives**: Tijuana maintains its stance on vehicle window tint regulations. Despite legislative changes permitting medium tint, rigorous fines continue to be imposed as the reform awaits publication.

– **Public Health Alerts**: Ahead of Santa Ana winds, authorities recommend the use of masks to mitigate respiratory issues, urging parents to monitor their children’s health attentively.

– **Security Measures**: During the early hours of Sunday, Tijuana experienced four violent incidents. One notable event involved a man sustaining gunshot injuries in Costa Hermosa.

– **Economic Climate**: Despite optimistic predictions, expectations for new investments in Baja California fell short, with growth largely stemming from existing plant expansions.

– **Refugee Assistance**: There has been a notable decline in asylum applications in Baja California this year, with around 900 applications compared to over 4,000 in 2023.

Stay tuned to for more updates and detailed coverage on Baja California’s evolving political, social, and economic landscape.