Mother Pleads to Track Tablet

Irma Yolanda, mother of missing ride-share driver Germán Santoyo, pleads for authorities to track his tablet used post-disappearance, hoping it holds clues to his whereabouts.

**Mother of Missing Ride-Share Driver Asks Authorities to Track Son’s Tablet**

As of 2024, the FGE has received nine reports of disappearances involving ride-share drivers.

Irma Yolanda Toscano León, mother of 25-year-old Germán Santoyo, who went missing on August 21, has appealed to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) to trace the tablet her son was using on that day. Irma Yolanda has detected that the device was used days after his disappearance, fueling hopes that it can be tracked to find her son.

After a press conference held by the FGE and led by María Elena Andrade Ramírez, Irma approached the podium to plea for expedited investigations and access to surveillance camera footage around the area where her son’s vehicle was found.

Germán’s grey 2017 Volkswagen Passat was discovered abandoned on Boulevard Rosas Magallón near the Valle Sur motel. His tablet’s real-time location had been blocked, and the ride-share company provided the FGE with information on the last trips Germán made on August 21.

The last recorded location of Germán was at Plaza Loma Bonita, where he dropped off a female passenger. Subsequently, his vehicle was found deserted in a different area.

Irma presented a written request to Alejandro López Reyes, the FGE’s prosecutor of Specialized Units, for access to surveillance data. Family and friends of Germán have organized various demonstrations urging the authorities and the community to help locate him.

### **More News on the Topic**

#### **Nine Ride-Share Drivers Reported Missing in 2024**

The trend of ride-share driver disappearances continues to alarm the public and authorities. With nine such cases reported to the FGE this year, the plight of drivers in this sector has captured significant attention. The persistent use of devices long after a driver has vanished poses a complicated challenge for investigators attempting to track these individuals.

#### **Protests in Tijuana for Missing Persons**

In Tijuana, hundreds have taken to the streets to demand justice and accountability for the increasing number of disappearances, including those involving ride-share drivers. These protests signal growing public frustration and impatience with the pace of investigative efforts.

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