Morena Leadership Shifts Revealed

Luisa María Alcalde & Andrés López Beltrán now lead Morena. New appointments signal party’s drive to fortify its foundation and face upcoming challenges under fresh leadership.

### Luisa María Alcalde and Andrés López Beltrán Assumed Leadership Positions in Morena

On September 22, 2024, significant changes unfolded at Morena’s National Congress, with Luisa María Alcalde Luján and Andrés López Beltrán being elected to key leadership positions within the party. Alcalde Luján was elected as the National President of Morena, running unopposed in her category, while López Beltrán, the son of the President of Mexico, was chosen as the Secretary of Organization.

The elections saw participation from national and state councilors who have been designated as congress members since 2022. Using ballots, these members expressed their support for the federal official, Alcalde Luján. Meanwhile, Carolina Rangel, Iván Herrera, Camila Martínez, and Alejandro Robles were elected to serve as Secretary-General and the heads of Finance, Communication, and Mexicans Abroad, respectively.

Other notable appointments include Aarón Enríquez García, Manuel Alejandro Robles Gómez, and Arturo Martínez Núñez, who will oversee the Youth, Arts, and Social Movements sectors.

During her address at the VII Extraordinary National Congress, Alcalde Luján stated, “I will not fail you because I know the challenges, the struggles, the sadness, and the joys since the founding of Morena on October 2, 2011.” She emphasized the party’s roots in the people’s struggle and its character as a leftist organization composed of free individuals.

López Beltrán, while reflecting on his new role and his father’s impending departure as President of Mexico on September 30, expressed mixed emotions. “It brings me immense joy to begin my career here where I have always belonged, but it deeply saddens me to do so as our leader steps down,” he remarked.

The newly appointed officials took their oaths during the congress and will officially begin their roles on October 1, 2024. This transition coincides with the current Morena national leader, Mario Delgado Carrillo, taking on the position of Secretary of Public Education in Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s government, who was likewise present at the congress.

Luisa María Alcalde will continue to head the Ministry of the Interior until her term concludes on September 30.

### Additional News on Morena’s Leadership Transition

#### Extensive Restructuring Within Morena as New Leaders Step Up

In addition to the primary leadership roles being filled, several other significant changes are underway within Morena. The party’s focus on consolidating its foundation and preparing for upcoming challenges is evident as new faces assume critical positions.

**Carolina Rangel**, who has been a prominent figure within Morena, will take over as Secretary-General. Her experience and dedication are highly regarded, and she is expected to play a crucial role in steering the party’s strategic direction.

**Iván Herrera** has been chosen to lead the Finance department, bringing a wealth of expertise to manage the party’s financial affairs amidst an increasingly complex political landscape.

**Camila Martínez** will head the Communication department, tasked with enhancing Morena’s outreach and engagement strategies to better connect with its supporters and the broader public.

**Alejandro Robles**, designated to manage relations with Mexicans living abroad, will focus on strengthening ties and ensuring that the diaspora remains integrated and supportive of Morena’s objectives.

**Aarón Enríquez García**, overseeing Youth, aims to mobilize younger generations within the party, fostering a dynamic and forward-thinking environment.

**Manuel Alejandro Robles Gómez**, in charge of Arts, will work to integrate cultural and artistic expressions as pivotal aspects of the party’s identity and outreach efforts.

**Arturo Martínez Núñez**, managing Social Movements, will coordinate with various grassroots organizations to bolster Morena’s presence and advocacy at the community level.

These appointments underscore Morena’s commitment to revitalizing its leadership and preparing for future electoral and governance challenges. The newly established structure aims to leverage the diverse skills and experiences of its team to navigate the evolving political landscape in Mexico.