Morena Elects Alcalde and Beltran

“Alcalde and López Beltrán take the reins in Morena, marking a new era for the party. Speculation surrounds their leadership, balancing tradition with anticipation for future directions.”

**Primary Article: Luisa María Alcalde and Andrés López Beltrán Lead Morena**

On September 22, 2024, Luisa María Alcalde Luján, Secretary of the Interior, and Andrés López Beltrán, son of the President of Mexico, were elected as the National Leader and Secretary of Organization of Morena, respectively, during the party’s congress.

Alcalde Luján was the only candidate running for the presidency of Morena’s National Executive Committee. The election was attended by national and state councilors who have been serving as congress members since 2022. Using ballots, they expressed their support for Alcalde Luján in today’s vote.

Additional roles were filled as follows: Carolina Rangel as Secretary-General, Iván Herrera for Finance, Camila Martínez for Communication, and Alejandro Robles for Mexicans Abroad. Other appointments included Aarón Enríquez García, Manuel Alejandro Robles Gómez, and Arturo Martínez Núñez as Secretaries of Youth, Arts, and Social Movements.

In her address during the VII National Extraordinary Congress, Alcalde Luján stated, “I will not fail you because I know the history, the struggles, the sorrows, and the joys of Morena since its foundation on October 2, 2011. We are the heirs of our people’s struggle, and we must never forget that. Morena is a left-wing party made up of free people.”

Andrés López Beltrán expressed his mixed emotions: “I am delighted to start my career here, where I have always been, but deeply saddened to do so as our maximum leader retires,” referring to his father, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who will end his term as President of Mexico on September 30.

The newly appointed leaders took their oaths of office on Sunday and will officially start their roles on October 1, 2024. Mario Delgado Carrillo, the current national leader of Morena, will take over as Secretary of Public Education in the administration of President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who also attended the congress.

Luisa María Alcalde will continue her role as Secretary of the Interior until her term concludes on Monday, September 30.

**Secondary Article: Reactions and Implications of New Leadership in Morena**

Following the election of Luisa María Alcalde and Andrés López Beltrán, members of Morena and political analysts have been speculating about the future direction of the party.

Many see Alcalde’s leadership as a continuation of the policies set forth by her predecessors, ensuring stability and continuity within the party. Her familiarity with the workings of Morena positions her well to handle internal and external challenges, especially in the run-up to future elections.

Andrés López Beltrán’s appointment as Secretary of Organization has sparked discussions on the influence of political dynasties in Mexican politics. Critics argue that his selection might be seen as nepotism, while supporters insist that his deep-rooted connection to Morena and his intimate understanding of the party’s ethos make him a valuable leader.

Meanwhile, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s alignment with the new leadership of Morena is expected to consolidate her authority and streamline the party’s strategies with the upcoming governmental policies. As Mario Delgado transitions to Secretary of Public Education, he is expected to bring his organizational expertise, further integrating Morena’s vision with national education reforms.

Overall, the new appointments signify a crucial phase for Morena as it aims to maintain its prominence and navigate the evolving political landscape of Mexico.