Mexico Guard Militarization Concerns

“Activists alarmed as National Guard in Mexico moves towards militarization under Sedena. Concerns rise over human rights violations, racial profiling, and abuses against migrants. Stay tuned for updates.”

**Concerns Rise Among Activists Over Militarization of National Guard in Mexico**

This past Wednesday marked the beginning of the discussion in the Chamber of Deputies on the reform to integrate the National Guard (GN) into the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena). This proposal, introduced by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in February, seeks to amend 12 constitutional articles and is currently awaiting approval in the Senate.

Paulina Olvera Cañez, the executive director of Espacio Migrante, highlighted significant concerns among activists who work with migrants. “Since the establishment and deployment of the National Guard with responsibilities over migration, we have observed numerous human rights violations, even in public spaces,” she noted. Olvera Cañez pointed out that the National Guard has resorted to racial profiling to detain individuals.

The initiative has alarmed not only human rights advocates but also international organizations. They have pointed to consistent human rights violations by the National Guard. “There are times when individuals have valid documents, yet the National Guard, in collaboration with the National Institute of Migration (INM), confiscates these documents and sends them to detention centers,” added Olvera Cañez.

She further emphasized that statements from migrants frequently report abuses by the National Guard and police forces during their journeys. “Afro-descendant individuals, in particular, mention that they are often singled out because it’s assumed they are foreigners,” she added.

**Further Developments and Concerns from Other Sources**

In recent months, activists in Baja California have also expressed concerns over the appointment of officials with histories of violence against migrants. This has added to the unease regarding the militarization of the National Guard.

Additionally, climate change and natural disasters have been identified as factors increasing migration into the region, while ongoing violence in Sinaloa is expected to prompt further migration of residents into Baja California. These developments create a complex backdrop against which the debate over the National Guard’s role and integration into Sedena takes place.

In related news, local advocates for individuals of short stature have called for the adaptation of public spaces to be more accessible, while law enforcement in Tijuana continues to grapple with security challenges exacerbated by human trafficking.

Other local issues include the challenges posed by illegal activities, such as the recent discovery of a homicide victim’s body in a drum in the Libertad neighborhood, highlighting the continuing public safety concerns in Tijuana.

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