Medical Tragedy Spurs Legal Fight

**Primary Article Excerpt:** Isaías mourns his wife Michelle’s tragic death, alleging medical negligence after a fatal procedure. Seeking justice, he unveils a heartbreaking tale of loss and unanswered questions.

**Primary Article**

**Medical Negligence Allegation in Wife’s Death; “Admitted with Complications”: IMSS-Wellness**

Isaías Copado Ocampo has filed a complaint with the State Prosecutor’s Office following the death of his 21-year-old wife, Michelle Guadalupe Montero Zurita, at the General Hospital of Tijuana. Michelle, who lived with her family in the Villas del Campo neighborhood, was admitted to the General Hospital of Tecate on August 31 due to anemia-related health issues. On September 2, she was transferred to the General Hospital of Tijuana for further tests due to low platelet, red blood cell, and white blood cell counts.

Isaías revealed that during a bone marrow examination by a hematologist, he was informed that the doctor accidentally punctured Michelle’s heart after initially saying that her lung was punctured. Shortly after, the hematologist returned to inform Isaías that Michelle had passed away because her heart could not withstand the procedure.

Distraught, Isaías entered the surgery area to confirm his wife’s death. Upon exiting, he found that the responsible doctor had left since his shift had ended. Michelle’s death certificate listed cardiac tamponade, severe normocytic anemia, severe thrombocytopenia, and mild neutropenia as the causes of death.

Isaías disclosed that he was not warned about the risks associated with the bone marrow extraction and never signed any consent forms. Now, the 21-year-old leaves behind a one-year-seven-month-old child. Isaías is determined to seek justice; hence, he submitted a formal complaint on September 17 to initiate an investigation into his wife’s death.

**Patient Admitted with Complications: IMSS Bienestar**

In response to the allegations, the General Hospital of Tijuana and the Federal Coordination of IMSS-Bienestar in Baja California stated that Michelle was treated according to established protocols and by qualified medical staff since her admission. The statement clarified that Michelle had various hematological complications due to acute leukemia, necessitating a bone marrow aspiration procedure in the central chest region performed by a certified hematologist. The hospital claims that while the procedure resulted in hemorrhagic complications, they were addressed promptly by a multidisciplinary team. Unfortunately, Michelle’s pre-existing conditions prevented her recovery, leading to her death.

The hospital reiterated its commitment to cooperating with authorities to ensure that the investigation is thorough and conducted according to the law.

**Secondary Article**

**Father’s Plea for Justice in Alleged Negligent Death of Daughter**

In a similar case that echoes the pain and struggle of Isaías Copado Ocampo, another bereaved father is seeking justice following the tragic death of his daughter under alleged medical negligence. In Ciudad Juárez, Juan Hernández filed a complaint with local health authorities after his 22-year-old daughter, Gabriela Hernández Marquez, died during a routine surgical procedure to remove her appendix.

Gabriela was admitted to the General Hospital in Ciudad Juárez in early September. According to Juan, the surgery initially appeared to be successful, but complications arose post-operation. Gabriela was reportedly left unattended for several hours despite her deteriorating condition, leading to septic shock and, ultimately, her untimely death.

Juan expressed outrage over the hospital staff’s apparent negligence and the insufficient post-operative monitoring that led to his daughter’s avoidable death. He hopes that by filing the complaint, the hospital will take accountability and that no other family endures the same anguish.

Gabriela’s case, much like Michelle’s, underscores the urgent need for stringent oversight and accountability in medical practices nationwide to prevent such tragedies in the future.