March for Abortion Rights

Feminist collectives mobilize in Tijuana for abortion decriminalization, while Baja California sees a surge in safe procedures. Global momentum rises for legal and accessible reproductive rights.

**Feminist Collectives March for Abortion Decriminalization in Tijuana**

In observance of the Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Abortion, various feminist collectives gathered at Friendship Park in Otay, Tijuana. The demonstration, held on Saturday, aimed to advocate for the decriminalization of abortion across Latin America.

At precisely 1 PM, women began assembling around the park’s vicinity to prepare banners and participate in an informative session. By 2 PM, the march commenced towards the Otay border crossing, pushing for unrestricted access to safe, legal, and accessible abortion services up to 24 weeks of gestation. Colectiva Bloodys and Projects voiced these demands, emphasizing the need for significant advancements in reproductive rights.

**Secondary Article: Increase in Safe Abortion Procedures in Baja California**

Recent reports highlight a significant rise in the number of safe abortion procedures carried out in Baja California this year. Between 350 and 360 cases of pregnancy terminations were reported, reflecting growing accessibility to lawful and secure abortion services.

Moreover, feminist groups in Baja California have been actively seeking legal protection to ensure access to abortion services, specifically within the IMSS and ISSSTE healthcare systems. This legal advocacy underscores the continued efforts in the region to support women’s health and autonomy.

**Global Context: The Rising Demand for Legal and Safe Abortion**

The push for legal and safe abortion extends beyond Tijuana. Across Latin America and globally, women and feminist organizations are advocating for their reproductive rights. Countries like Argentina and Mexico have made headlines with significant legislative changes, while others continue to battle stringent laws and societal opposition. For instance, recent news from San Diego highlights efforts to combat unsafe abortion practices and ensure women’s health and safety, reinforcing the importance of the movement worldwide.