March for 24 Week Abortion Rights

Advocates rally in Otay, pushing for abortion rights to extend to 24 weeks gestation. They aspire for legislative change to support women’s healthcare decisions with empathy and understanding.

### Advocates March for Extending Abortion Rights to 24 Weeks

On Saturday afternoon in Otay, members of pro-abortion collectives organized a march to advocate for extending the legally permitted period for abortions from 12 weeks to 24 weeks of gestation. This demonstration aimed to raise awareness in the context of the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion.

Cristal P. Lira, representing the Bloodys Red Tijuana collective, stated that the event included an informative session and a march from Friendship Park to the Otay border crossing. “Currently, legal access to abortion is limited to 12 weeks. We believe this needs to be extended, as many women find out too late or require more time to make such a significant decision,” she remarked.

Lira noted that California already allows abortions up to 24 weeks, and the collective plans to present a formal request to Baja California authorities to adopt similar legislation. They also aim to ensure no regression in women’s healthcare rights, referencing setbacks in places like Aguascalientes, Texas, and even challenges faced in California.

Despite progress, Lira highlighted ongoing issues in the medical field, where women seeking abortions often face judgmental or unhelpful remarks from healthcare professionals. “Medical spaces still handle the topic from an outdated perspective, lacking the empathy and understanding necessary to support women effectively,” she concluded.

### Additional Related News:

#### California Abortion Legislation Sets Precedent for Baja California

In a related development, recent reports indicate that California’s legislation allowing abortions up to 24 weeks could serve as a model for advocacy groups in Baja California. The increasing number of states revising their abortion laws provides a broader context for these local movements.

Activists in various regions emphasize the importance of extending the gestational limit to ensure comprehensive reproductive healthcare. This advocacy is particularly crucial as some U.S. states implement restrictive laws, potentially influencing neighboring regions by either tightening or loosening existing regulations.

As the debate continues, both local and international observers watch closely, weighing the implications of potential legislative changes on women’s rights and healthcare access across borders.

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