Malecon Project Safety Woes

Safety concerns are mounting as Malecon de Playas de Tijuana renovations stall, risking accidents for residents. Poor signage and incomplete barriers heighten risks during construction delays.

### Continuing Delay in Malecon de Playas Renovations: Safety Concern for Residents

Tijuana, Mexico – The renovation projects at the Malecon de Playas de Tijuana remain stalled, raising safety concerns among local residents due to inadequate signage in the area. Many people consider the ongoing construction a significant risk, particularly for children and the elderly.

During a recent inspection, it was observed that although additional notices about the municipal administration’s work have been put up, these measures are still insufficient.

“It’s almost impossible to walk here. Everything is dirty, and there are no barriers,” said Lorena Bernal, a local resident. “It’s dangerous; a child or an elderly person could easily fall. We’ve been dealing with this situation for a long time, and they’ve only just started putting up signs.”

Maria Cristina Hernández echoes these sentiments, noting that the upcoming months of continued construction coincide with the rainy season, which could exacerbate the risk.

“I don’t understand why they started working at this time. The rain is coming, and this will be stalled, making it even riskier,” said Hernández.

### Additional News: Resident Frustrations Grow Over Delays in Malecon Renovations

Tijuana, Mexico – As the stalemate continues in the Malecon de Playas de Tijuana project, local government officials are under increasing pressure to resume work quickly. The suspension of construction has been attributed to a lack of proper signage, boundary demarcations, and a comprehensive contingency plan.

Despite the delays, the flow of visitors to the area remains unaffected. Local businesses and tourism operators continue to adapt, maintaining service while awaiting improvements.

Meanwhile, concerns about public safety during the construction period are mounting. Residents and visitors alike stress the need for clear signage and better management to mitigate potential hazards.

In other local news, family members of Servando Salazar staged a protest at Prime Wheel, demanding information about his whereabouts. Employees have reported labor irregularities, which authorities are now investigating. The State Attorney’s Office even plans to inspect the company’s facilities, including furnaces, as part of the search.

Tijuana began this Monday with overcast skies, expected to clear later in the day, with temperatures reaching a maximum of 24 degrees Celsius. Activists remain concerned over the militarization of the National Guard, citing human rights violations. Additionally, the local government is evaluating the introduction of new high-capacity buses to the Agua Caliente route to improve public transportation.

As the current municipal administration prepares to leave office, they assure residents of fiscal solvency, ensuring payment of workers’ dues, although approximately 80 municipal employees are set to resign.

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