Maclovio Rojas Residents Protest

Maclovio Rojas residents plan protest demanding land regularization, seeking national and international support for their cause.

### Residents of Maclovio Rojas Announce Protest Demanding Regularization

Residents of the Maclovio Rojas community have announced plans to stage a protest on Monday, September 30th, in response to the Federal Government’s failure to provide solutions for their long-standing issues. The community’s representative, Cassandra Hernández, stated that the exact location of the protest has not been disclosed but emphasized that it aims to create both national and international impact.

“We seek not only a national but also an international impact to demand the regularization of the Maclovio Rojas situation, ensuring that property titles are delivered and the issue is resolved once and for all,” Hernández highlighted.

Despite previous protests at a Pemex plant, residents have only received delays from the Secretariat of the Interior regarding the distribution of 400 property titles. In a recent conference held remotely, Juan de Dios Escalante expressed doubt that the current federal administration would resolve the issue before its term ends. He asserted, “Those who mediated just deceived us. Agreements were made, and as of now, we haven’t received a single title.”

Escalante clarified that the intent of these protests is not to disrupt society but to bring certainty to the ejido (communal land) and the occupants. “We have lived on these lands for 36 years, which gives us a right,” he stated.

After securing the initial 400 property titles, the plan includes negotiating agreements for 852 more occupants and eventually regularizing 197 hectares, home to over four thousand families.

#### Additional Context on Maclovio Rojas Issue

While the Maclovio Rojas community continues its struggle, various negotiations have been ongoing, yet no definitive solution has been reached. The community’s plight has garnered attention due to its prolonged nature and the involvement of numerous families who demand their legal rights to the land they have occupied for decades.

In similar news, other community protests and negotiations have been taking place throughout the region. For instance, residents in Playas de Rosarito have denied initiating new blockades at Pemex facilities, reflecting a shared dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of land issues.

Moreover, the ongoing economic and labor trends in Tijuana, such as the fluctuating employment rates in the industrial sector and wage adjustments in maquiladoras, paint a broader picture of the region’s socio-economic landscape. The local authorities and community leaders are advocating for better control and training within the judicial system to tackle justice-related concerns effectively.

### Conclusion

The upcoming protest by Maclovio Rojas residents underscores a critical demand for land regularization and property rights in the face of governmental delays and unfulfilled promises. As these issues remain unresolved, the residents continue to seek both national and international support to amplify their cause and secure their rightful claims.

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