Maclovio Rojas Protest Update

Residents of Maclovio Rojas plan a protest for unresolved property status, aiming for both national and international impact. Negotiations continue toward gaining property titles and resolution.

### Maclovio Rojas Residents Announce Protest; Regularization Still Pending

Residents of the Maclovio Rojas community in Tijuana are set to stage another protest on Monday, September 30th, due to the lack of resolution from the Federal Government regarding their residential status. Cassandra Hernández, the representative of the residents, declined to disclose the exact location of the protest but emphasized that it aims to have both national and international impact.

“Beyond creating a national impact, we also want to make an international impression to demand the regularization of Maclovio Rojas, the issuance of the property titles, and a definitive resolution,” stated Hernández.

The residents have expressed dissatisfaction with the prolonged delay from authorities, especially following previous protests at the Pemex Plant, where promises for the issuance of 400 property titles have yet to materialize.

Juan de Dios Escalante, another community spokesperson, voiced his concerns remotely, stressing that the unresolved issue might be passed on to the next federal administration. “We have been deceived by those mediating the situation. Agreements were made, but no titles have been issued so far,” said Escalante.

He clarified that the residents are not aiming to harm society but are striving for certainty for the ejido and its occupants.

#### Secondary Article: Continued Negotiations for Maclovio Rojas Residents

Negotiations remain ongoing for Maclovio Rojas residents seeking the regularization of their properties. The community has spent over 36 years on these land plots, generating a vested right according to the residents.

Hernández specified that after the issuance of the initial 400 property titles, agreements need to be made with an additional 852 occupants. The ultimate goal is to regularize 197 hectares, where more than 4,000 families currently live.

Despite the lengthy talks with governmental authorities and prior protests, residents like Escalante fear that the issue will continue unresolved into the next federal administrative term.

### Additional Information:
**Local Impact and Wider Implications**

**Persistent Negotiations:** Residents of Maclovio Rojas have long engaged with authorities to attain legal certainty over their properties. The continuous delays in fulfilling promises have led to mounting frustration within the community, pushing them toward further demonstrations.

**Public Opinion:** Some residents have voiced that their aim is not to disrupt public life but to secure their rightful ownership after decades of occupation. They demand a clear and just resolution from the federal authorities to prevent the issue from lingering into the next political administration.

**Community Engagement:** The localized struggle in Maclovio Rojas reflects broader challenges in property regularization across Mexico, highlighting the need for effective governance and resolution mechanisms that address such long-standing land disputes.