Local Governance Enhanced

Municipalities are evolving as key players in governance with a focus on green initiatives and digital transformation, aiming to enhance public services and sustainability for a brighter future.

### Strengthening Municipal Governance

By Alberto Sandoval
September 2, 2024

Municipalities have become increasingly significant in political practice. Historically seen as the government entities closest to the populace, responsible for essential public services, their political treatment has evolved over time. In the not-so-distant past, municipalities lacked the autonomy afforded to them by constitutional law.

Global development strategies have traditionally focused on three central pillars: Social Inclusion, Sustainable Economics, and Environmental Care. However, an additional central pillar has become essential: Local Institutional Development.

Strengthening the municipality as an autonomous and resilient entity is crucial to effectively address the primary societal issues. In Baja California, where there were only four municipalities until 1995, this number has almost doubled, now totaling seven municipalities with the recent addition of San Felipe and San Quintín. While these newly created municipalities start with nascent legal, administrative, and financial structures, all municipalities need to evolve into robust and consolidated local governments. This evolution is necessary for them to provide high-quality public services and to manage economic development effectively.

A municipality fitting this profile should be the cornerstone of national development, building a fairer society from the local government level. This requires an updated legislative framework to enhance municipal governments’ performance, taking into account the substantial responsibilities they bear. Additionally, it should properly conceptualize the technical, administrative, and organizational conditions of local governments.

Achieving this entails having adequate budgets and properly trained human resources to improve process management and technological advancement.

Municipal Institutional Development is about creating and strengthening the technical, administrative, and organizational capacity of municipalities to efficiently and effectively carry out their legally assigned functions and activities. As autonomous public entities with legal personality and own assets, their goal is to meet the needs of communities and ensure their participation in economic, social, and cultural progress.

Social involvement from citizens, who know their municipalities best due to their proximity and immediate interest in their actions, is also indispensable. In recent years, municipalities have garnered significant importance in political practice, as evidenced by enthusiastic citizen participation aiming to transform their cities into their best versions. Achieving this transformation requires substantial support from state and federal levels.

Municipal strengthening is crucial to this process.

Alberto Sandoval is a professor, public servant, consultant, speaker, athlete, and citizen activist.

### Additional News on Municipal Development

#### Local Governments Emphasize Green Initiatives

Municipal governments across the globe are stepping up efforts to integrate green initiatives into their urban planning strategies. Emphasis on sustainability is driving municipal projects targeting cleaner energy usage, waste reduction, and greener public spaces.

For instance, Barcelona has introduced its “Green Barcelona” initiative, focusing on increasing green cover within the city and promoting zero-emission transport solutions. Similarly, cities like Copenhagen are pioneering the use of sustainable building materials to reduce the carbon footprint of new constructions and renovations.

Moreover, smaller municipalities are also contributing to the green agenda. In Germany, the town of Freiburg has garnered international acclaim for its eco-friendly town planning, innovative use of solar energy, and commitment to reducing carbon emissions.

#### Challenges and Opportunities for Municipalities in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation presents both challenges and opportunities for municipal governments. With the accelerating pace of technological advancements, municipalities are exploring ways to integrate digital solutions to enhance public service delivery.

A critical challenge is ensuring adequate infrastructure to support digital initiatives. For instance, in rural areas, improving internet connectivity is essential to facilitate e-governance. Urban municipalities, on the other hand, are exploring smart city concepts, utilizing data analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize urban management and enhance citizens’ quality of life.

In South Korea, Seoul has emerged as a leader in this space with its “Smart Seoul 2024” strategy, which integrates IoT, AI, and big data into public services, from traffic management to waste collection. Such initiatives demonstrate the potential of digital transformation in building smarter, more efficient cities.

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