LGBTQI Fears New Administration

**LGBTQI+ Community Seeks Support Amid Political Transitions** Activists like Lorenzo Herrera voice apprehensions over lacking municipal engagement under new leadership, emphasizing the need for sustained backing and recognition.

**LGBTQI+ Community Fears Lack of Support with New Administration**

Lorenzo Herrera, an activist within the LGBTQI+ community, has expressed serious concerns regarding the upcoming change in municipal administration. Despite multiple attempts to engage with the mayor-elect, Ismael Burgueño, Herrera claims to have received no response or acknowledgment.

In a recent interview, Herrera pointed out that the newly elected official has met with various social groups and leaders, including Tijuana Archbishop Francisco Moreno Barrón. However, the LGBTQI+ community has yet to have an audience with Burgueño. Herrera further mentioned that during Montserrat Caballero Ramírez’s administration, they received significant support, which led to the formation of the Inclusion Commission headed by Eduardo Rodríguez. Despite this, no financial resources were allocated; all support came directly from the Presidency.

Herrera is wary about the future, fearing the new administration might not continue the Commission’s work or provide necessary funding. The activist also highlighted a lack of engagement from Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda’s state government, despite multiple invitations.

“Neither she nor the Welfare Secretariat have shown any interest. We work closely with the Health Secretariat on providing tests, patient referrals to CAPASITS, and distributing condoms and information. However, we have no financial support for utilities, which we pay out of our pockets as volunteers,” Herrera added.

The LGBTQI+ community also feels neglected by the ruling party Morena, despite its claims of being inclusive and representing everyone. Herrera will soon travel to Africa to promote tourism for Tijuana’s community but laments the lack of support for travel expenses from the government.

Herrera calls on both state and incoming municipal administrations to engage with the LGBTQI+ community, understand their work, and support their continuous efforts to aid the population.

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**Ceaseless Push for LGBTQI+ Rights Amid Political Changes**

As political landscapes continue to shift globally, the fight for LGBTQI+ rights remains at the forefront. A notable instance is in [Country/City], where the LGBTQI+ community is rallying for inclusion and support from newly elected officials. Activists emphasize the need for governmental engagement and sustainable funding to ensure the protection and advancement of LGBTQI+ rights.

According to recent articles, similar concerns are being raised in various parts of the world as new administrations take office. Community leaders stress the importance of maintaining dialogue, creating inclusive policies, and ensuring financial backing for initiatives that support marginalized communities.

As examples of ongoing advocacy, events such as pride parades, educational workshops, and health services for the LGBTQI+ community are continuously organized, showcasing the resilience and unwavering spirit of the community despite bureaucratic hurdles.