Kidnapping Stirs Baja Turmoil

Escalating retaliation in Baja California Sur leads to the kidnapping of state agents by organized crime, sparking intense security operations and increased regional instability.

### Retaliation Leads to Kidnapping of State Agents

On the morning of Wednesday, September 25, authorities from various government levels discovered an abandoned truck used by two kidnapped state police officers, assumedly seized by organized crime members. The vehicle was found without the officers inside.

Intense security operations, including searches, armed confrontations, and raids, led officials to Kilometer 177 on the road from La Paz to Ciudad Constitución in Comondú. There, about 200 meters from the highway, amidst towering power lines and a barbed-wire fence, the authorities located a white Honda Ridgeline truck buried in a field. The vehicle allegedly belonged to State Police Commander Rodrigo Flores Montiel and was utilized by officers José Gabriel Morales Meza and Yair Radilla Flores who vanished on the dawn of Saturday, September 21.

Sources claim the involvement of individuals from Caborca, Sonora, connected to the Mayos cartel. An investigation fueled by a leaked WhatsApp message hinting at an internal “cleaning” operation is underway. This incident follows Governor Víctor Castro Cosío’s recent announcement that Baja California Sur ranks first in the perception of public security according to the 2024 National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety (ENVIPE). Yet, the state still faces significant criminal activity.

Recent actions by the Public Security Secretariat, through the State Preventive Police, have targeted cells linked to the “Alacrán” group, led by Juan Manuel Franco Silva. Following his capture in December 2022, multiple confrontations and apprehensions related to his associates have occurred. This includes a significant incident on January 16, involving a Mazda CX-5, and another on May 9 where Carlos Alfredo Franco Silva, brother of Alacrán, was detained.

State agents José Gabriel Morales Meza and Yair Radilla Flores were abducted in Ciudad Constitución. Their disappearance, just after their shifts had ended, led to a city-wide search involving numerous law enforcement agencies. The search spread across several residences and public spaces, intensifying the local community’s anxiety.

Security forces have focused their efforts on tracking leads that might point to the agents’ whereabouts and apprehending individuals involved in the kidnapping. The search continues, highlighting the challenging and evolving security landscape in Baja California Sur.

### Related News

**Increased Operations in BCS Following Officers’ Kidnapping**

Significant law enforcement activity has been reported across Baja California Sur following the abduction of two state police officers. Search operations have extended into various municipalities, with several suspect vehicles and individuals detained for questioning.

On September 23, State Security forces mobilized in Ciudad Constitución, heightening local tensions. The heightened presence of security personnel, including units from La Paz and Los Cabos, aims to counter potential threats and enhance community security. Efforts are reportedly focused on dismantling smaller criminal cells that might have information on the abducted officers.

Commander Rodrigo Flores Montiel remains under scrutiny as speculation grows that the initial abduction target might have been him rather than the two disappeared officers. This ongoing investigation underscores the broader issues of criminal influence and violence affecting the region’s law enforcement agencies.

Reports suggest increased violence may be attributed to the disruption of established criminal operations, stemming from recent captures of key figures in the local drug trade and extortion rings.

**Regional Security Remains Unstable**

Despite government efforts touting improved safety perceptions, the reality on the ground in Baja California Sur remains fraught with danger. Local businesses and residents continue to express their fear and concern over the spate of violent incidents and the visible increase in armed confrontations.

The search efforts, involving significant law enforcement resources, display the ongoing challenges and complexities of maintaining public order amidst entrenched criminal activities. The outcome of this situation remains uncertain as the search for the missing officers and their captors continues.