Justice Found for Germán Toscano

“Justice served as Germán Santoyo Toscano’s body is found in Las Cruces, confirming his tragic loss. Community demands more action to prevent disappearances and support affected families.”

**Justice for My Son: Yolanda Toscano Confirms Body Found in Las Cruces Was Germán’s**

**By Mara Yáñez**

The body of Germán Santoyo Toscano, a driver for InDrive who disappeared on August 21, was discovered in the Las Cruces neighborhood, according to the search collective “We Are All Erick Carrillo.”

“The search has concluded for Germán Santoyo Toscano, who has been found deceased. We thank everyone for sharing information about Germán. Unfortunately, he was found deceased. On behalf of the international foundation ‘We Are All Erick Carrillo,’ we express our condolences to Germán’s family. May he rest in peace,” shared the collective on social media.

Yolanda Toscano, the victim’s mother, was informed of the positive identification on Monday, September 23, following a meeting with the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

The body was discovered on September 7 during a joint search operation with the collective led by Eddy Carrillo, following a search in the Las Cruces neighborhood. Initially, the remains could not be identified. The FGE later contacted the family to suggest the body might belong to Germán based on matching characteristics and a tattoo of Saint Michael on the left arm.

Yolanda awaited two weeks for DNA results to confirm the identity because there was a slight possibility it wasn’t her son. “I was told to prepare that he wouldn’t look the same as I remembered. My maternal instinct tells me it could be him because of the tattoo and other clues, but I didn’t want to live with the uncertainty,” she said.

Following the confirmed homicide of her son, who was only 24 and leaves behind two young children, Yolanda demanded justice to find those responsible for his murder.

Germán was last seen leaving his grandmother’s house in Lomas del Jibarito in his grey 2017 Volkswagen Passat with the license plate C07NRT9. He last communicated at 10:00 PM via a WhatsApp message, stating he had a trip from Cañón Las Palmeras to the Los Altos neighborhood. His vehicle was later discovered abandoned in front of the Motel Valle Sur, containing items that did not belong to Germán.

**Secondary Article: Increased Reports of Missing Persons and Public Safety Concerns**

In recent times, there has been an increase in reports of missing persons along with heightened public safety concerns. With cases like that of Germán Santoyo Toscano making headlines, communities are urging for better measures and more efficient investigative processes from authorities.

**Efforts to Combat Disappearances**

Local collectives and foundations, like “We Are All Erick Carrillo,” continue to play a significant role in assisting families, conducting search operations, and advocating for justice. Enhanced collaboration between these groups and law enforcement is critical for resolving such cases quickly and efficiently.

**Community Response and Support Services**

Families of the missing are demanding improved support services and more comprehensive resources to deal with the emotional and legal implications of such tragedies. Public vigilance and community solidarity remain essential in supporting the affected families and preventing further incidents.

**Legislative Actions and Public Policy**

In response to rising cases of disappearances and public safety issues, legislative bodies are proposing new policies aimed at addressing these concerns. Enhancing the capabilities of investigative units, improving data sharing, and increasing the allocation of resources towards public safety measures are under active consideration to combat the growing trend.

By prioritizing these issues and fostering a collaborative environment between the public, government entities, and local organizations, the hope is to minimize such tragic occurrences in the future.