Justice for Bianca Perez

“The family of Bianca Pérez, a victim of femicide in Ensenada, demands justice as they seek closure and support for her two young children left behind.”

### Family of Bianca Pérez Demands Justice After Her Femicide in Ensenada

The family of Bianca Pérez, a 20-year-old woman found dead on June 22 in the dunes of a beach located at Avenida Pedro Loyola and Calle Granada in the Loma Dorada neighborhood of Ensenada, is calling for justice. Joshua Okniel, age 19 and Bianca’s ex-boyfriend, was arrested and charged with her murder by asphyxiation.

On Tuesday, September 24, Bianca’s sister placed photographs and messages at the entrance of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) to express her frustration over investigators not allowing the family access to the case files. “She endured a lot of mistreatment and abuse, but now we are raising our voices for her,” Bianca’s sister said.

Bianca was the mother of two young children who are currently in a vulnerable situation. To date, the authorities have not provided any psychological support, material assistance, or reparations as mandated by law.

The family urgently called on the State Attorney General, María Elena Andrade, to ensure that her team conducts the necessary investigations to bring peace to the family through a swift trial and appropriate victim support.

### Secondary Article: Progress in Femicide Cases in Baja California

In recent months, there has been an increase in demands for justice and accountability in femicide cases across Baja California. Authorities have reported ongoing efforts to address and process such cases more efficiently.

#### Related Incidents
1. **Strangulation Case Linked to Ensenada Dunes**: An individual has been linked to another tragic incident in the same area where Bianca Pérez was found. This case has intensified calls for greater security and stricter measures against gender-based violence.

2. **Support for Affected Families**: Local organizations and advocacy groups have been pressing for better support systems for victims’ families, emphasizing the need for psychological care and financial assistance during these critical times.

3. **Government Initiatives**: State officials have introduced several new policies aimed at improving the legal framework for addressing femicide and supporting survivors. These initiatives include specialized training for law enforcement officers and the establishment of rapid response teams for cases of gender-based violence.

The urgency to address femicide effectively cannot be overstated as more families, like Bianca Pérez’s, continue to seek justice and ensure that such crimes are met with appropriate consequences.

For more updates and detailed information, stay tuned to TJGringo.com.