Judicial Reform Stalls Construction

Investment delays plague construction sector amid Judicial Reform uncertainties. CMIC Tijuana president stresses need for further discussion on secondary laws to maintain investor confidence in Mexico.

### Construction Sector Faces Investment Delays Due to Judicial Reform


The construction sector is experiencing significant delays in investments due to uncertainty surrounding the Judicial Reform, according to Gabriel Vizcaíno, President of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry in Tijuana (CMIC). Vizcaíno expressed concerns about the extent of this constitutional modification, emphasizing the need for further discussion on secondary laws.

In recent years, the industry has attracted increased private investment. Vizcaíno pointed out, “We have heard varied opinions, with some forecasting a significant recession while others disagree. However, it is clear that many companies have suffered losses, which is worrisome for the construction sector.”

The CMIC Tijuana leader stressed that the industry has recently seen a considerable influx of private investment, making it crucial for foreign investors to retain confidence in Mexico. “We hope that the Judicial Reform does not negatively impact ongoing investments. The construction sector heavily depends on investment, particularly in industrial projects and government investments. Our primary client is the government, and with our efforts to shift towards commercial and industrial projects, there is concern that foreign investment might decline,” he added.

He highlighted emerging negative signs from companies opting to delay their investments, leaving plans uncertain. “I have private sector clients telling me to wait and see how things unfold. We were close to signing contracts, but they are now hesitating. We hope this situation does not worsen, as we all want Mexico to prosper. If this decision by legislators turns out to be beneficial for the country, we will support it, regardless of differing opinions,” Vizcaíno remarked.

Currently, there is no clear estimate regarding the percentage of investments being held back due to the uncertainties relating to the Judicial Reform.

### Secondary Article: Protests and Developments


In a related development, protesters from the Federal Judiciary (PJF) briefly blocked the Otay commercial gate in response to the Judicial Reform. This act reflects the widespread unease and disruptions triggered by the constitutional amendments.

Furthermore, there are ongoing preparations by the National Electoral Institute (INE) for the upcoming elections of judges, magistrates, and ministers, though the budget remains undecided.

Additionally, despite the current uncertainties, the construction of vertical and industrial developments continues to rise, according to the Comice TTR.

Recent reports also highlight a troubling increase in violence against women in Tijuana, with local shelters providing refuge to four victims per week over the past three years. Family violence remains the primary reason for women fleeing their homes, with the city reaching its total number of femicides in just the first six months of 2024.

Amid these challenges, the opposition has expressed hope for more dialogue with Sheinbaum’s administration, particularly regarding increasing resources for Baja California following budget cuts under the previous government.

Stay tuned with TJGringo.com for the latest updates on these and other local developments.