Judicial Protests Snarl Traffic

Judicial workers in Tijuana block streets, protesting reforms. Nationwide unrest over judicial changes spreads, sparking concerns and calls for dialogue. Stay informed on TJGringo.com.

## Judicial Workers Block Bulevar Fundadores, Causing Traffic Chaos

Workers from the Federal Judiciary blocked Bulevar Fundadores in Tijuana at midday, disrupting traffic and forcing frustrated motorists to seek alternative routes. The protest, organized in response to proposed judicial reforms, saw demonstrators carrying banners with slogans against the reforms and the Mexican flag.

Daniel Sánchez, a spokesperson for the workers, indicated that these protests are expected to continue at least until the end of the year, aiming to reverse the constitutional changes. The demonstration initially affected both directions of Bulevar Fundadores and one direction of Bulevar Agua Caliente.

Despite the significant traffic disruptions, no traffic officers were present in the first 45 minutes of the protest to assist with managing the flow of vehicles.

## Additional News: Growing Unrest Over Judicial Reforms

Judicial workers across Mexico have been increasingly vocal about their opposition to constitutional reforms affecting their sector. Over the past few months, similar protests have taken place in various cities, causing widespread disruptions and traffic issues. The workers argue that these reforms could undermine the independence of the judiciary and affect their working conditions.

In Mexico City, a major protest took place at the Zócalo, drawing significant attention and support from various legal associations. Protests have also been reported in Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Puebla, reflecting a nationwide discontent with the proposed changes.

Local governments have expressed concerns over the potential for continued unrest and are calling for dialogue between the protesting workers and federal authorities to find a resolution. As it stands, the judicial workers remain determined to push back against the reforms, making it clear that their actions will continue until their voices are heard.

Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for updates on this ongoing situation.