INE Sets 2025 Judicial Election

INE has begun an extraordinary electoral process for the Federal Judiciary, with the election of judges set for June 1, 2025. Anticipation grows amid political tensions and calls for public trust.

### INE Begins Process for Election of Federal Judiciary in June 2025

On September 23, 2024, Guadalupe Taddei Zavala, Chairwoman of the National Electoral Institute (INE), officially launched the extraordinary electoral process for the Federal Judiciary (PJF). This significant event will culminate on June 1, 2025, with the election of judges, magistrates, and justices of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

During the inauguration ceremony, Taddei Zavala emphasized the authenticity of the upcoming election, asserting that preparations began in a “precise, objective, and impartial” manner. She acknowledged the unprecedented nature of the election, which introduces new challenges, rules, and participants.

The Chairwoman celebrated the involvement of citizens in national public affairs, highlighting the importance of the electoral process. She promised that the INE would once again showcase its institutional strength and flexibility in carrying out its public duties.

Addressing the gathered councillors and INE staff, Taddei Zavala stated, “We are ready to organize this extraordinary process with the same professionalism that has earned us national and international recognition, and most importantly, the trust of all Mexicans.”

She further assured that the upcoming election would demonstrate the INE’s commitment to democracy, impartiality, equity, and independence. Taddei Zavala also pledged INE support for states planning to elect their own state judges in 2025.

“Clear and equitable rules for all participants will be in place, alongside robust oversight and control mechanisms to ensure the integrity of the extraordinary electoral process,” she added. She expressed confidence that June 1, 2025, would mark one of the most transparent and significant moments in the country’s democratic history.

For the first time, the General Council of the INE convened without representation from various political parties, as mandated by recent PJF reforms. Additionally, a Temporary Commission for the Extraordinary Electoral Process of the Federal Judiciary 2024-2025 was established, led by Jorge Montaño Ventura and comprised of Norma Irene de la Cruz Magaña and Rita Bell López Vences.

### More on the Subject

#### Increasing Political Tensions Amid INE’s New Election Process

Political tensions are escalating as the INE initiates its unprecedented electoral process for the Federal Judiciary. Many political analysts predict intensified scrutiny and debate over new regulations and the infusion of new personnel into the system. Some political parties have already voiced concerns about potential biases and the readiness of the INE to manage such a complex task.

#### Public Trust and Democratic Participation

Public trust remains a central issue, with various surveys indicating a mixed sense of confidence in the fairness and transparency of the upcoming elections. Civic organizations are calling for heightened vigilance and citizen participation to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

#### Regional Elections and National Implications

The support from INE for states conducting their judicial elections concurrently presents additional layers of complexity. This simultaneous electoral activity could serve as a litmus test for the INE’s ability to maintain consistency and fairness across different jurisdictions.

The upcoming months will be critical as the INE navigates these challenges, emphasizing its pledge to uphold democratic values and public trust.

Stay updated with for the latest developments on this significant electoral process.