IMSS Clinic 20 Elevator Woes

Patients at IMSS Clinic 20 face delays and hardships with elevators out of service, impacting medical care. Nationwide, hospitals struggle with elevator issues affecting patient care and logistics.

### Patients Report Elevator Closures at IMSS Clinic 20; No Repair Date in Sight

Patients at IMSS Clinic 20, specializing in Internal Medicine, Traumatology, Pediatrics, General Surgery, and Neurosurgery, are experiencing significant inconveniences due to the temporary closure of the clinic’s elevators for maintenance, with no set date for their reopening.

Mónica Rosas, a family member of one of the clinic’s patients, shared that her father has been hospitalized for over a month and has faced delays in medical studies and appointments due to the elevator issues and a shortage of ambulances. According to Rosas, the elevator outage occurred after a power failure caused by extreme heat, which the hospital experienced recently. She also mentioned that another elevator has been out of operation for years.

“My father was admitted to the Emergency Room on August 15, which was already overcrowded. Patients often have to stay in chairs due to a lack of beds. After a week, he moved to a different floor, and we noticed the various issues, including the elevator problems,” Rosas shared.

Rosas added that not only patients but also staff, such as paramedics, kitchen personnel, cleaning staff, and maintenance workers, are affected by the elevator closures. They struggle to transport food, water, and other necessary items manually, taking significant time and effort.

During a visit to the clinic, it was confirmed that all three elevators in the Hospitalization area are out of service. One had a sign indicating it was undergoing maintenance, while the other two were closed off, one even blocked by wooden boards from the ground to the first floor.

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) stated that maintenance work has been ongoing for several months across various units, not just Clinic 20. IMSS implemented a priority service to ensure critical patient transfers could continue, but patients have reported canceled surgeries and delayed consultations.

The IMSS also mentioned ongoing efforts to replace critical parts like the motor and control system of the elevators. These repairs are complex and urgent, requiring thorough verification, calibration, and adjustment work.

For the time being, IMSS is in the process of contracting a temporary freight elevator, but no completion date for the primary repairs has been provided. “In 2024, central offices contracted the replacement of the three elevators in H.G.R. 20 with state-of-the-art equipment. Two have been dismantled, and the new units are expected to be installed soon,” IMSS stated.

### Additional News on Elevator Issues at Healthcare Facilities

**Elevator Outages Causing Strain on Hospitals Nationwide**

Many hospitals across various regions are grappling with similar issues regarding elevator outages, significantly affecting patient care and logistics. In Mexico City, for instance, multiple hospitals have reported surgery delays and difficulties in patient transport due to elevator repairs. The Mexican government has pledged to allocate more resources to address these infrastructure problems promptly.

One hospital representative in Guadalajara shared, “Our elevators have been out of service for several months. Staff have to manually carry patients, which is not just exhausting but also risky for patient safety.”

Efforts are underway nationwide to rectify these issues with extensive maintenance programs, yet patients and healthcare workers are calling for more immediate and effective solutions to ensure patient safety and care are not compromised.

These elevator outages highlight the critical need for robust and well-maintained hospital infrastructure to support both patients and medical staff. Moving forward, significant investments and rigorous maintenance protocols will be crucial in preventing similar situations.