Halloween Safety Push in Tijuana

In preparation for Halloween, Tijuana businesses urge heightened security around Avenida Revolución. Increased police presence and internal security measures are essential for a safe festive season.

### Local Business Sector Urges Increased Security for October

The commercial sector is calling for enhanced security measures as the new municipal government, led by President-elect Ismael Burgueño Ruiz, prepares to take office in Tijuana. The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Services (Canaco), Julián Palombo Saucedo, emphasized that businesses have high expectations for safety improvements with each new administration.

Palombo Saucedo pointed out that Halloween festivities at the end of October draw large crowds to the “Revu” on Avenida Revolución and surrounding nightlife spots. He expressed concerns over a potential rise in muggings and thefts during these celebrations due to the influx of people.

“We are closely monitoring this administration to address ongoing security issues in the Avenida Revolución and Zona Centro. We specifically request an increase in municipal security presence during the Halloween festivities,” stated Palombo Saucedo.

He elaborated that Halloween draws many cross-border visitors who gather in large numbers, making it a prime time for increased criminal activity. “The Anglo-Saxon holiday of Halloween brings many border residents to the city, converging on Avenida Revolución. This often leads to various security challenges, including assaults and theft in the crowded areas,” he explained.

Palombo Saucedo urged business owners in the area to maintain and possibly enhance their internal security measures to prevent criminal activities both within and outside their premises. He called for undercover security personnel to be deployed to better identify and deter any potential wrongdoers in these gatherings.

### Additional News: Security Concerns Around Halloween

**Increased Criminal Activity Expected for Halloween Weekend**

As Halloween approaches, cities across the country are preparing for an uptick in security concerns. Major urban centers are anticipating that the weekend will draw large crowds to bars, clubs, and public areas for Halloween celebrations, with law enforcement agencies ramping up their presence to address the potential rise in crime.

Last year, several cities reported significant numbers of incidents related to Halloween festivities. In New York City, for example, the NYPD reported an increase in street crimes and disturbances. City officials urge party-goers to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to help keep the celebrations safe.

### Additional Measures in Other Cities

* **Los Angeles**: The LAPD is increasing patrols and implementing stricter DUI checkpoints to manage the anticipated crowds.
* **Chicago**: The Chicago Police Department will have additional officers on duty, especially in popular nightlife areas.
* **Dallas**: Law enforcement officials in Dallas are coordinating with local businesses to ensure security plans are in place.

Both local authorities and business owners are working together to create a safer environment for individuals enjoying the holiday festivities. Enhanced security measures aim to mitigate the risks associated with large gatherings, ensuring a fun and secure Halloween for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates on Halloween safety measures and other local news on TJGringo.com!