First C Section Porcupine Born

A historic C-section birth at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance ensures safety for Maizey and her porcupette, highlighting crucial veterinary care in species conservation and innovative wildlife initiatives.

### First Porcupine Born by C-Section at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

For the first time, the veterinarians at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance have successfully performed a cesarean section on a North American porcupine. This groundbreaking procedure ensured the safety of both Maizey, the mother, and her baby.

“This historic procedure underscores the vital role our veterinary teams play in species conservation, not only in emergency situations but as part of a legacy of leadership in wildlife care,” said Greg Vicino, Vice President of Wildlife Care at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. “The success of Maizey’s cesarean section is yet another example of our unwavering commitment to the health and longevity of wildlife.”

The wildlife specialists from the Denny Sanford Wildlife Explorers Basecamp were well-prepared for Maizey’s delivery, performing x-rays and voluntary veterinary exams during her pregnancy. When it came time for the birth, the same professional team monitored Maizey until the decision was made to proceed with the cesarean section.

“This pioneering surgery highlights the integral role of expert veterinary medical care in zoological settings and showcases the benefits of innovative approaches to saving species in need of conservation,” stated Dr. Michele Goodman, Director of Animal Care at Elmwood Park Zoo and veterinary advisor for the North American Porcupine Species Survival Plan (SSP). “For the North American porcupine, this procedure represents a significant step forward in improving long-term survival rates and contributes to broader conservation efforts aimed at ensuring their future in the wild.”

“It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes this is true even if they have quills,” said Dr. Garrett Fraess, Clinical Veterinarian at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. “Seeing Maizey and her baby healthy and thriving is a testament to the exceptional care and teamwork at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.”

Both Maizey and her porcupette are currently healthy and thriving.

### Additional News: Endangered Species Conservation at San Diego Zoo

**Condor Conservation in Action**

Earlier this year, a California condor was born at the San Diego Safari Park, a significant milestone for this critically endangered species. This new addition gives hope to conservationists working to save the condor from extinction. The park has been instrumental in breeding programs that aim to reintroduce these majestic birds into their natural habitat.

**Ongoing Efforts for Pacific Fisher**

In another effort to save endangered species, the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance recently launched a new initiative aimed at protecting the elusive Pacific fisher. Native to the forests of North America, the Pacific fisher faces numerous threats from habitat loss to climate change. The program focuses on habitat restoration and community education to foster a sustainable environment for these animals.

**Innovative Techniques in Veterinary Care**

The Alliance’s veterinary team is also pioneering other medical techniques to improve animal care. Recently, they have started using 3D-printed prosthetics for injured wildlife, marking another innovative step in their comprehensive approach to wildlife conservation.

These continued efforts underline the essential role that the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance plays in the global mission to conserve biodiversity.