Fidem Funds for School Growth

Discussions in Baja California explore using Fidem funds to improve school infrastructure, with potential for supporting education and security projects. Stay updated on Fidem’s evolving impact at

### Evaluating the Use of Fidem Resources for Educational Infrastructure

The business sector in Baja California is currently holding discussions with the state government to assess the possibility of using the Fideicomiso Empresarial del Estado de Baja California (Fidem) funds to improve school infrastructure. The Fidem resource is derived from a 5% tax on employee salaries paid by companies.

Roberto Lyle Fritch, President of the Tijuana Development Council (CDT), mentioned that a recent meeting was held with Kurt Honold, head of the Secretariat of Economy and Innovation, to evaluate eligible projects for funding. “We are exploring other projects that could benefit from Fidem. The regulations do allow for supporting school infrastructure, amongst other things,” he stated.

This coming Thursday, another meeting is scheduled with key officials from the state’s Economy and Innovation, and Education departments to pinpoint specific areas that could utilize these resources effectively. “Subsequently, we plan to meet with the Secretary of Finance and the Governor. This will lead to an agreement and ensure a clear understanding of the business resources involved,” Lyle Fritch added.

In July, Baja California’s Governor, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, hinted at a potential reallocation of Fidem funds to focus on education. The annual amount, approximately 300 million pesos, is earmarked for strengthening businesses, investment promotion, and strategic projects, which also include education, security, and health initiatives.

“There is a clear provision for infrastructure support. A school can request this. The rules are well-defined and adaptable to various needs and concerns,” Lyle Fritch emphasized.

### Secondary Article: Proposal for a Police Academy Using Fidem Funds

In a related development, there is a proposal to establish a Police Academy using Fidem resources. This proposal aligns with the wider intention to enhance strategic projects that bolster the region’s security and educational frameworks.

The business sector’s meetings with the state have also touched upon this proposal. Ensuring the allocation of Fidem resources towards such critical infrastructure projects may contribute to long-term regional stability and workforce development.

The focus on expanding both educational and security infrastructure showcases a balanced approach in leveraging the Fidem funds for extensive community benefits. As these discussions progress, concrete outcomes are anticipated that will define the new applications of the Fidem resources moving forward.

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