Expanded Bus Capacity Plan

“IMOS plans to introduce higher-capacity buses on Blvd. Agua Caliente in 2025 to meet passenger demand, potentially adding up to 12 buses with 140-passenger capacity.”

### Plan to Increase High-Capacity Buses on Blvd. Agua Caliente

Due to current passenger demand outpacing the available transport units, the Institute of Sustainable Mobility (IMOS) is evaluating the introduction of higher capacity buses to the Agua Caliente route in 2025. According to Jorge GutiƩrrez Topete, the head of IMOS, the current number of buses is insufficient to meet passenger needs, prompting this consideration.

Currently, the buses on this route can accommodate up to 100 passengers each. The proposed new buses will have a larger capacity of 140 passengers. GutiƩrrez Topete mentioned that the plan is to add up to 12 of these larger buses and possibly between 3 and 10 electric buses. These changes might be implemented by next year, depending on the resolution of certain factors.

Initially, the Agua Caliente route project aimed to replace the red and black taxis with 63 black buses and 21 purple buses, the latter designated for exclusive use by women. However, the route is currently serviced by 77 black buses. The new units are expected to operate as express services, making only five stops at the busiest locations along the corridor, rather than the full 34 stops.

### Additional Transport News: Funding and Infrastructure Challenges

As the city of Tijuana grapples with its public transport needs, additional reports highlight other challenges in the region’s infrastructure and transport systems. Long queues were observed at San Ysidro Garita on Sunday, with similar congestion at Otay’s commercial crossing due to violent incidents.

In terms of funding, Otay II requires more resources for personnel financing. The area also saw significant delays for individuals traveling back to the United States after Labor Day. Migrant populations in Baja California are also affected, with 2,515 individuals waiting to start their U.S. asylum processes, a figure lower than at the beginning of the current administration.

Moreover, local activists express concern over the National Guard’s increased militarization, a topic currently under discussion in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republic. In another local issue, people of short stature are advocating for the adaptation of public spaces, citing challenges in using standard bathroom facilities and washbasins.

Finally, weather forecasts predict clear skies for Tijuana on Sunday, with expected temperatures reaching up to 27Ā° Celsius.

For more local news and updates, TJGringo.com will continue to provide coverage on developments affecting our community.