El Cardonal Waste Scandal

In El Cardonal, three companies face accusations of dumping biological waste, prompting calls for sanctions and improved waste management practices. Environmental organizations express concerns over nationwide hazardous waste violations.

### Companies Accused of Dumping Biological Waste in El Cardonal

**By Gilberto Santiesteban – September 24, 2024**

Carlos Álvarez Flores, president of the civil association México, Comunicación y Ambiente, has filed a public complaint against three companies alleged to have dumped biological waste at kilometer 8 of the road to the sub-delegation of El Cardonal. The companies named in the complaint filed with the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) are Coba Industrial S.A. de C.V., SIMMA Servicios Industriales para el Manejo del Medio Ambiente S.A. de C.V., and Centro de Acopio Logysa BCS.

Álvarez emphasized the use of a Mexican right under the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA) to launch this administrative procedure. “We have the evidence; this is no secret. Federal authorities, including the prosecution, are aware of this, but I am exercising the right we have as Mexicans to present this complaint and to initiate the administrative proceedings,” he stated.

The civil association is calling for the responsible companies to be sanctioned and temporarily shut down until it can be verified that they comply with environmental laws and ensure proper waste management. In El Cardonal, the waste found includes bags with hospital refuse from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and convenience pharmacies.

The association has requested the head of Profepa’s office in Baja California Sur, Andrea Geiger, to use her authority, as established in article 43 of the Internal Regulations, to file complaints with the Federal Public Ministry regarding acts that may constitute environmental crimes. “The administrative procedure is straightforward. We want a temporary closure and exemplary sanctions for these and other companies that fail to comply with regulations,” Álvarez insisted.

Andrea Geiger mentioned that this is the first complaint of its kind received by the office regarding the mishandling of infectious biological waste. If the companies are found responsible, they could face closures and fines, depending on the outcomes of the ongoing investigations by Profepa. “We encourage all individuals who know of any environmental crime to come forward to Profepa and file their complaints so that we can carry out the appropriate procedures in their cases,” she urged.

### Related News: Environmental Violations and Their Consequences

In a related development, several environmental organizations have expressed concerns about the increase in illegal dumping of hazardous waste across Mexico. Recent investigations revealed alarming incidents where industrial waste, including toxic chemicals and medical waste, has been discarded in public areas, posing significant threats to both public health and the environment.

In a noteworthy case, authorities in the state of Jalisco discovered a large quantity of medical and industrial waste abandoned in a national park. The incident led to widespread outrage and calls for stricter enforcement of environmental laws.

Moreover, a study by the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change highlighted that improper waste management practices have resulted in numerous outbreaks of disease and have severely affected the local wildlife.

Environmental activists are urging the government to take more robust actions, including the implementation of higher penalties and more frequent inspections, to deter companies from engaging in such practices. They emphasize the need for community involvement in reporting violations and raising awareness about the importance of proper waste management for a healthier and more sustainable environment.

Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for more updates on this ongoing issue and other news related to environmental protection and community health.