Deny Kuni Permits Freciudav Urges

Freciudav presents legal arguments to Semarnat against “Kuni” megaproject within Balandra, emphasizing environmental impact concerns. Public opposition is rising, calling for project scrutiny and preservation efforts.

**Semarnat Must Deny Permits for “Kuni” as It Fails to Comply with Legal Requirements: Freciudav**

In the public consultation initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) regarding the “Kuni” megaproject, members of the Citizens’ Front in Defense of Water and Life (Freciudav) have presented several legal arguments for why the federal government should deny the permits requested by the developer, Maravia S.A. de C.V.

The controversial megaproject, which aims to gain environmental impact assessment approval (MIA), plans to build over 20,000 rooms over 20 years within the Protected Natural Area (ANP) Balandra. Freciudav contends that the project fails to provide an accurate and realistic description of the regional environmental system, neglecting to mention the region’s developmental and deteriorative trends.

Additionally, the project reportedly omits the presence of flora and fauna classified under NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 and fails to address the environmental impacts within the protected area. Freciudav is especially concerned about the potential loss of carbon sinks, risks of desertification, and local climate change-induced droughts.

Activists argue that “Kuni” downplays impacts from desalination activities, including significant brine volumes produced. The megaproject plans to utilize around 10,000 cubic meters of water for construction and up to 7,500 cubic meters per day for operation, which could discharge over 5,300 cubic meters of brine.

Proponents of “Kuni” claim that there will be no adverse effects on La Paz Bay, a Ramsar site, due to the project’s 1.5-kilometer distance from the bay. However, the environmental impact assessment does not consider the repercussions of water extraction or the brine’s environmental damage.

In light of these concerns, Freciudav stresses that Semarnat must refuse the project’s permits based on Article 35, Section III of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.

“There is no way to protect our natural resources with the deforestation they propose; no way to maintain the scenic beauty of the area with over 20,000 structures; no way to respect local territory, people, customs, flora, and fauna,” assert Freciudav members.

Maravia aims to develop a 1,655-hectare area, 14 of which are within Balandra and the remainder adjacent to El Tecolote Beach.

**Further Developments on the “Kuni” Megaproject**

Recent updates highlight several other concerns and actions against the “Kuni” project. According to additional sources, significant public opposition has grown, leading to the collection of signatures to halt the project. Environmentalists emphasize the potential threat “Kuni” poses to the unique ecosystem of Balandra.

Legal experts are also scrutinizing the megaproject’s environmental assessment, noting insufficient studies and misrepresentation of potential environmental harm. Particularly, the risk to the water table and the long-term sustainability of desalination have been significant points of contention.

Local government officials have expressed cautious optimism, acknowledging the area’s economic growth needs but emphasizing stringent environmental protection measures. In light of the growing outcry, Semarnat has promised to review all public comments and expert evaluations before making a final decision.

Environmental activist groups continue to organize events and information sessions, raising awareness about the critical importance of preserving Balandra’s natural beauty and ecological balance. The broader community remains vigilant, ensuring that the project’s potential impacts are thoroughly examined and addressed.