Dengue Surge in Los Cabos

“Dengue cases spike in Los Cabos, with over 600 reported this year. Mexico City also battles rising numbers. Public cooperation key in fighting the spread.”

### Primary Article
## Spike in Dengue Cases in Los Cabos: Over 600 Cases Reported This Year

Authorities from the Baja California Sur Health Department (SSABCS) have reported a significant increase in dengue cases, with 814 instances documented so far this year. Los Cabos stands out as the primary affected area, accounting for 80% of the total cases reported in 2024.

In a recent interview, SSABCS head Zazil Flores Aldape confirmed a major outbreak of this infectious disease in the region’s leading tourist destination. This year alone, two deaths have been recorded in Los Cabos and one in ComondĂș. Data from the state health department reveals that 613 out of the 814 cases have been confirmed in San JosĂ© del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

With the peak dengue infection season in Baja California Sur just beginning, the number of cases is on the verge of surpassing last year’s total of 686 in these municipalities.

Secretary of Health Zazil Flores Aldape highlighted the importance of preventive measures, mentioning that cases were initially reported in Cabo San Lucas. Consequently, fumigation and nebulization campaigns have been in effect since June across various neighborhoods. Similar preventive measures commenced about two weeks ago in San José del Cabo due to a spike in cases there as well.

To expedite these health measures, the SSABCS has deployed additional support teams from the municipality of La Paz to Los Cabos. Fumigation begins as soon as the rainy season starts and continues systematically throughout the period.

Flores Aldape emphasized the crucial role of public cooperation in controlling the spread of dengue. While fumigation effectively eliminates adult mosquitoes, larvae can survive in household water containers. Residents are urged to clean their patios and remove potential mosquito breeding grounds.

“Mosquito breeding sites are typically areas where water is accumulated, facilitating larva development. If we only focus on killing adult mosquitoes without eliminating these breeding sites, we’ll face a resurgence of adult mosquitoes in about 15 days,” she cautioned.

She encouraged residents to allow SSABCS brigades into their homes to explain how to manage water containers and apply larvicides effectively.

### Secondary Article
## Nearby Mexico City Also Grapples with Rising Dengue Cases

As Los Cabos battles a significant dengue outbreak, Mexico City has also reported an uptick in dengue cases. Health officials in the capital are intensifying efforts to curb the spread of the virus, focusing on urban areas where stagnant water is a common issue.

Risk factors, such as the rainy season and densely populated areas, contribute to the challenge. Public health campaigns are underway to educate citizens on preventive measures, including eliminating standing water and using mosquito repellents.

Authorities are deploying fumigation trucks and health teams to high-risk neighborhoods to control the adult mosquito population. They emphasize community participation as vital to the success of these initiatives.

Both Los Cabos and Mexico City reflect a broader trend across Mexico, with increased dengue incidence reported nationwide. The collaboration between health authorities and the public remains crucial in mitigating the spread of this infectious disease.