### New Deputies and Senators Take Office; Salinas Pliego Calls it a “Coup” – TJGringo
On August 29, 2024, the Constitutive Session of the Chamber of Deputies of the Union’s Congress was held, marking the beginning of the LXVI Legislature. The session commenced at 5:00 PM, effective September 1, 2024.
Ifigenia Martha Martínez y Hernández was elected as the president of the Board of Directors of San Lázaro for the first year of the LXVI Legislature of the Lower House, which consists of 500 legislators. The vice-presidents are Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna (Morena), Kenia López Rabadán (National Action Party), and María del Carmen Pinete Vargas (Green Ecologist Party of Mexico).
The secretaries include Julieta Villalpando Riquelme (Morena), Nayeli Fernández Cruz (PVEM), Pedro Vázquez González (Labor Party), Fuensanta Guadalupe Guerrero Esquivel (Institutional Revolutionary Party), Laura Iraís Ballesteros Mancilla (Citizen Movement), and Alan Sahir Márquez (PAN).
“Deputies-elect, do you swear to uphold and enforce the Constitution and the laws that emanate from it, and to patriotically fulfill the duties of the office that the people have conferred upon you, striving for their well-being and prosperity?” Martínez y Hernández asked. The new legislators responded with a resounding, “I swear!”
Additionally, the Board of Deans administered the oath to the 128 senators who will constitute the LXVI and LVXII Legislatures of the Upper House of Congress. José Gerardo Rodolfo Fernández Noroña (PT) was elected as president of the Board of Directors for the first year. The vice-presidents include Imelda Castro Castro (Morena), Mauricio Vila Dosal (PAN), and Karla Guadalupe Toledo Zamora (PRI). Secretaries will be Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Morena), Jasmine María Bugarín Rodríguez (PVEM), Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas (MC), and Lizeth Sánchez García (PT).
On the eve of this event, business magnate Ricardo Salinas Pliego accused the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) of committing a “coup.” This assertion came on August 28, 2024, following the approval of a project proposed by Judge Felipe de la Mata Pizaña. The approved project allows the so-called “fourth transformation” to have a qualified majority in the Lower House, enabling them to make constitutional reforms, including those related to the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF).
The project received favorable votes from Judges Mónica Aralí Soto Fregoso (President), Felipe Alfredo Fuentes Barrera, Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón, and Felipe de la Mata Pizaña. Judge Janine Madeline Otálora Malassis voted against it.
“With a vote of 4 to 1, the Electoral Tribunal approves the distribution of the next legislature with a qualified majority for Morena, allowing the overrated representation of Morena in obtaining 75% of Congress with only 54% of votes,” stated the president of Grupo Salinas.
– First Illegal Act: Allowing the over-representation of Morena by assigning them 75% of the congress with only 54% of the votes.
– Second Illegal Act (Coming): Ending the independence of the Judicial Power and placing it in Morena’s hands.
– Third Illegal Act (The End): Leaving citizens subject to Morena’s will and accomplices, which is the “Tyranny of the Majority.”
This, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing less than a coup: ‘A sudden and decisive change of government, done illegally or by force,’ the business magnate explained.
### Secondary Article:
#### Protests Erupt Over Electoral Tribunal Decision
In the aftermath of the Electoral Tribunal’s controversial decision granting a qualified majority to Morena, protests have erupted across several major cities. According to news sources, thousands have taken to the streets demanding a reversal of the decision, arguing that it undermines the democratic process.
Public figures and opposition leaders have called for an urgent congressional review, fearing potential abuse of power. Reports indicate that social media platforms are flooded with debates and calls for nationwide peaceful protests.
As events unfold, TJGringo will continue to provide updates on this developing story.
Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for the latest news and comprehensive coverage of political events.