Cafe Collapse Victims Await Aid

Victims of Café Aquamarino Collapse face delays in compensation. Safety concerns grow as authorities board up the site, emphasizing the need for strict building regulations.

## Victims of Café Aquamarino Collapse Still Await Compensation

Over a month has passed since the collapse of Café Aquamarino in Playas de Tijuana on August 14, and the victims of the incident have yet to receive any compensation for their damages from the establishment’s owner.

The collapse occurred around 6:00 p.m., when a portion of the second-floor structure gave way, trapping five individuals: Katia Yareli Lara Lugo, her daughters aged 6 and 9, her 18-year-old brother, and her 54-year-old mother.

“My priority was to find my daughters; I couldn’t see anything, there was so much dust from the cement and debris. My mother was drifting in and out of consciousness. I managed to spot my younger daughter in the distance and was screaming to know if they were alive or conscious,” Lara Lugo recounted.

According to Municipal Civil Protection, moisture from the sea breeze permeated the construction’s concrete over time, corroding the rebar and causing the slab to collapse.

As a result, Lara Lugo’s youngest daughter suffered a fractured humerus in her left arm, necessitating surgery. Lara Lugo also sustained a fractured wrist, compromising the joint, and impacting her job as a folkloric dance instructor.

Despite having insurance through her husband’s employment at ISSSTE, the family had to cover part of the medical expenses, including the purchase of a titanium plate and eight screws for the younger daughter’s arm, as the hospital lacked materials. Lara Lugo also required surgery at a private hospital due to the unavailability of a slot for surgery at ISSSTE.

“We have spent over 100,000 pesos on medical expenses alone, including surgeries and medication, not counting physical therapy and psychological therapy, which are still pending,” she explained.

So far, only two Café Aquamarino employees have inquired about their needs but indicated that only the owner could make decisions. Yet, the owner has not appeared because he was “very busy.” It was only when their lawyer contacted him that he expressed disagreement with the prices for private services. He has since failed to communicate further, prompting them to seek legal action by filing a complaint with the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

On September 20, a provisional reopening was held in a nearby parking lot, as announced on the café’s social media pages.

“I felt utterly disrespected seeing him celebrate his birthday at his new location while we still have weekly appointments and cannot return to our normal activities, and my daughter cannot attend school,” Lara Lugo remarked.

When asked for his perspective on the incident, the café owner José Segovia only commented that they would proceed according to the law.

### Additional Article

#### Café Aquamarino Boarded Up Following Collapse

In light of the tragic event at Café Aquamarino, authorities have taken decisive action by boarding up the establishment to ensure public safety. The structural failure on August 14, which resulted in serious injuries to multiple patrons, has led to increased scrutiny regarding building codes and safety regulations in Playas de Tijuana.

Municipal officials have stated that the café will remain closed until a thorough investigation is completed and all necessary safety renovations are made. “Public safety is our utmost priority,” said a spokesperson for the Municipal Civil Protection.

Meanwhile, there are growing concerns among the local business community about the implications of this collapse for other establishments in coastal areas. Inspections and assessments of neighboring buildings have been accelerated to prevent similar incidents.

As the legal proceedings unfold and the victims continue their recovery, the case has drawn significant attention to the importance of maintaining structural integrity in commercial properties, especially those exposed to harsh environmental conditions.

Café Aquamarino’s future remains uncertain, with both legal and structural hurdles to overcome before it can potentially reopen. For now, the focus remains on supporting the victims and ensuring such a tragic event is not repeated.