Burgueño Tackles City Challenges

Ismael Burgueño Ruiz aims to enhance Tijuana’s security, fix potholes, and improve public lighting, promising a prosperous future for the city. Residents eagerly anticipate his strategic plans.

**What Are Burgueño’s Plans for Lighting, Potholes, and Security?**

Public concerns in Tijuana remain focused on issues like security, potholes, and public lighting. As Ismael Burgueño Ruiz prepares to take office as mayor on October 1st, he promises to make the next three years the most prosperous in Tijuana’s history. However, these persistent communal problems have plagued the city through various administrations.

### Security Plans
Edgardo Flores Campbell, President of the Citizens’ Public Security Committee of Tijuana (CCSP), has yet to see a clear security strategy from the incoming administration. Although there has been no direct communication with Burgueño Ruiz as of yet, Flores Campbell remains optimistic about future discussions.

Tijuana has a high homicide rate, contributing significantly to Baja California’s figures. Despite previous administration’s efforts, the increasing crime statistics reflect the need for robust strategies. Burgueño Ruiz has designated Lieutenant Colonel Julián Leyzaola Pérez to head the Municipal Security and Citizen Protection Secretariat (SSPCM) in hopes of addressing these challenges.

Roberto Quijano Sosa, President of Baja California’s Citizens’ Public Security Council (CCSPBC), notes that today’s criminal landscape is different from what it was 14 years ago, necessitating new strategies and coordinated efforts with state and federal governments.

### Public Lighting Initiatives
Jorge Alberto Muñoz Escudero, President of the Tijuana Civil Engineers Association (CICTAC), emphasizes the link between infrastructure and security, starting with public lighting. Although the exact plans from Burgueño Ruiz’s administration remain undisclosed, the importance of modern, vandal-resistant lighting systems is crucial.

Previous administrations installed 40,804 LED lamps, which have proven effective but vulnerable to vandalism. The CICTAC suggests shifting to solar-powered lights despite higher initial costs, arguing that the long-term benefits outweigh the expenses.

### Addressing Potholes
Muñoz Escudero highlights that past administrations’ reliance on asphalt has proven ineffective, advocating for concrete solutions that offer greater longevity and durability. Furthermore, addressing the city’s drainage systems is essential to combat the erosion caused by water run-off, identified as the primary culprit in road deterioration.

Burgueño Ruiz plans to launch a WhatsApp number for citizens to report potholes directly, promoting community involvement in maintenance efforts.

### Initial Cabinet Members
Recently, Burgueño Ruiz introduced his cabinet, including Virginia Vargas González as head of the Urban and Environmental Territorial Development Secretariat (SDTUA). The team is expected to reveal detailed plans within the first 90 days of administration, focusing on security, lighting, and pothole repairs.

**Secondary Article: Tijuana Residents Urge for Urgent Security and Infrastructure Reforms**

As Tijuana prepares for administrative changes, community members and business groups are voicing concerns about ongoing issues, particularly in security and infrastructural maintenance. The local business sector has called for increased vigilance in light of recent security lapses.

**Crime Rates and Governance**
Tijuana has seen a troubling trend in crime rates, with the local government under Montserrat Caballero struggling to keep criminal activities in check. The high number of reported crimes requires innovative strategies and systematic coordination with state and federal authorities.

**Infrastructural Deficiency**
Concerns about inadequate public service provisions like public lighting and road maintenance remain high. The frequent vandalization of public lighting and inefficient repair methods for roadways have prompted suggestions for newer, more sustainable solutions. The approaching administration under Burgueño Ruiz is expected to tackle these issues through community-focused and technologically advanced interventions.

As the new mayoral team prepares to take charge, residents remain hopeful yet cautious, demanding transparency, accountability, and concrete actions to elevate the city’s living standards and ensure public safety.

For more updates on municipal plans and developments in Tijuana, stay connected with TJGringo.com.