Burgueño Reveals New Cabinet

Ismael Burgueño reveals key cabinet picks, with notable figures like Pedro Montejo Peterson leading economic development and Erik “el Terrible” Morales as Secretary of Welfare. Security appointment pending council vote.

**Ismael Burgueño Introduces His Cabinet Four Days Before Assuming Office**

Ismael Burgueño Ruíz, the mayor-elect of Tijuana, has introduced the members of his cabinet for the 25th City Hall of Tijuana, just four days before officially taking office.

1. **Key Appointments:**
– **Secretary of Government:** Arnulfo Guerrero, a former member of the National Action Party (PAN).
– **Secretary of Economic Development of Tijuana (Sedeti):** Pedro Montejo Peterson, who previously chaired the National Council of the Maquiladora and Manufacturing Industry of Export (Index) in the coastal area.
– **Treasurer:** Víctor Ramos, formerly the administrative deputy director in the System for the Integral Development of the Family (SDIF).
– **Secretary of Territorial Urban and Environmental Development (SDTUA):** Virginia Vargas, former acting head of the Institute of Physical Educational Infrastructure of Baja California in Ensenada.

2. **Other Notable Appointments:**
– **Head of Major Office:** José Luis Villasana, who previously presided over the National Chamber of the Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies Industry (Canieti) in the northwest region.
– **Secretary of Welfare:** Erik “el Terrible” Morales, a former official and Tijuana mayoral candidate.
– **Secretary of Mobility (Semov):** María del Pilar Vázquez.

However, the position of Secretary of Municipal Citizen Security and Protection (SSPCM) remains unannounced, despite previous mentions of Lieutenant Colonel Julián Leyzaola for the post. Burgueño stated that the appointment will be decided through a proposal to be voted on by the council, which includes members from various political forces, including Morena.


**Additional Coverage on Ismael Burgueño’s Cabinet:**

**Former Councilman Erik “El Terrible” Morales Joins Burgueño’s Team**
Erik “el Terrible” Morales, who previously ran for mayor of Tijuana, takes on a new role as Secretary of Welfare in Burgueño’s administration. Morales, a former boxer and sports icon, is expected to bring renewed focus to welfare programs across the city.

**Awaiting Security Appointment:**
The designation of the Secretary for Security and Protection remains pending. While Lieutenant Colonel Julián Leyzaola was initially considered a frontrunner, the final decision will be made by a council vote that integrates inputs from various political factions.

**Commitment to Economic Development:**
Pedro Montejo Peterson’s appointment as Secretary of Economic Development aims to enhance Tijuana’s industrial growth. His experience leading the National Council of the Maquiladora and Manufacturing Industry (Index) is anticipated to bolster the city’s manufacturing sector and drive new business investments.

**Stability in Finances:**
Víctor Ramos’s nomination as treasurer signals Burgueño’s dedication to maintaining financial stability within the municipal government. Ramos’s previous experience with SDIF is expected to ensure transparent and efficient management of the city’s finances.

Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for more updates on Tijuana’s political scene and the new cabinet under Ismael Burgueño’s leadership.