Boost Local Courts Now

Legal expert Muro Ruiz stresses the pressing need to empower state courts, advocating for enhanced local judicial authorities to expedite legal proceedings and reduce third-instance case escalation.

### Strengthening State Judicial Powers is Crucial, Expert Says

According to academic Eliseo Muro Ruiz, the local judicial powers across states need bolstering alongside the broader judicial reform currently being debated in the National Congress. Muro Ruiz emphasized the importance of expanding the authority of local justice institutions to ensure more efficient and prompt legal proceedings.

“Currently, up to 80% of the cases originating in state superior courts of justice are escalated to the third instance, extending the duration of trials and violating the constitutional mandate for swift and expedient justice,” Muro Ruiz stated. This observation came during his participation in Grupo 21.

Muro Ruiz pointed out that historical constitutional provisions previously granted significant faculties to state judicial powers, which could be reintroduced to enhance the efficacy of local courts. He suggests that retrofitting some aspects from past constitutions (dating back to 1824 and 1857) does not equate to regression, but rather an evolution that incorporates successful elements from history.

To cope with the high volume of third-instance cases, local courts need more budgetary allocations and renewed capabilities to act as the highest legal authorities within their jurisdictions. This restructuring would allow for more effective resolution of legal matters at the state level.

### Law Experts Advocate for Increased Resources for Baja California

Further voices within the legal community have called for federal legislators to secure more resources for Baja California’s judicial system. Experts argue that increased funding is crucial to reinforce local courts and ensure they can manage cases more effectively without escalating to higher instances.

### Recent Judicial Reforms Lead to Decreased Investments

Deitac, a local economic development association, has reported a decline in investments as a result of ongoing judicial reforms. The uncertainty surrounding legal changes has made investors wary, affecting the region’s economic stability.

### March Against Judicial Reforms Held in Tijuana

In a public demonstration, residents of Tijuana conducted a symbolic “funeral march” to protest against the recent judicial reforms. The participants expressed concerns that the changes would undermine justice and legal processes in the area.

### Additional Local News

**Sales of Tricolor Items Commence Ahead of Independence Day**
Vendors have begun selling traditional tricolor merchandise in preparation for upcoming Independence Day celebrations, despite varied sales trends due to the uncertain return to in-person schooling.

**Inspection of Coastal Street Vendors Planned**
Authorities are set to inspect street vendors operating in coastal zones to ensure compliance with local regulations.

**Uniform Sellers Recover Post-Teachers’ Protests**
School uniform vendors reported a sharp drop in sales during teachers’ protests but saw a resurgence as buyers returned in late August.

**Prepaid Card Usage Low on Agua Caliente Bus Route**
Many bus passengers remain unaware of the prepaid card system and continue to prefer cash payments.

**Upcoming Concerts at Tijuana Fair 2024**
Artists like Inspector, Elefante, and Julión Álvarez are scheduled to perform at the Tijuana Fair 2024 this weekend, with detailed schedules and ticket prices available.

**Traffic Inspectors Removed from San Ysidro Border Crossing**
The SSPCM has dismissed 14 traffic inspectors, informally known as “minions,” for allegedly facilitating illegal border crossings at San Ysidro.

### Secondary News Article: Experts Weigh in on Federal Judiciary Reforms and State Impact

As the debate over judicial reforms gains momentum at the federal level, experts underline the importance of considering their implications on state-level judicial systems. They argue that any changes must ensure the integration and support of local courts to maintain the balance of justice across all tiers of the judiciary. Enhanced collaboration between federal and state courts, along with better resource allocation, are seen as critical steps to achieving a more cohesive legal framework nationwide.