Halloween Safety Push in Tijuana

In preparation for Halloween, Tijuana businesses urge heightened security around Avenida Revolución. Increased police presence and internal security measures are essential for a safe festive season.

Thanatology for Chronic Care

“Thanatology offers crucial therapeutic support for those facing loss or chronic illness. Its integration into healthcare is vital for holistic patient care and improved outcomes.”

AMLO Prolongs ‘Chocolates’ Policy

AMLO extends “chocolates” vehicle regularization until 2026, aiding migrants in legalizing imported vehicles, boosting revenue for infrastructure projects, and enhancing public safety.

Juan Marcos Runs for PAN Secretary

Juan Marcos Gutiérrez González, Tijuana lawyer, declares candidacy for PAN’s General Secretariat amidst concerns of fairness in leadership race. Stay updated on TJGringo.com for more.

IEEBC Awaits Court Ruling

IEEBC awaits regional court ruling on San Felipe election, with expectations of a decision by September 30th. Updates on local developments in San Felipe and nearby regions show various ongoing issues.

New Tijuana Mayor Unveils Team

Mayor-elect Ismael Burgueño unveils his Tijuana council team, prioritizing key roles like Sec. of Govt Arnulfo Guerrero and Treasurer Victor Ramos for effective governance.

Unheard Jose Jose Song Hits

In a stunning revelation, a new José José song, “Ya no pienso en ti,” was found and is now available on Spotify, delighting fans with its heartfelt lyrics and mesmerizing melody.

Infonavit Opens Tijuana Branch

Infonavit invests 14 million pesos in new Tijuana offices, expanding services to Tecate and Rosarito. State Housing Plan tackles affordable housing challenges, benefiting over 600,000 workers in the region.

Sheinbaum Corrects Letter Error

“President Sheinbaum rectifies inaccuracies in letter to Spain, addressing historical errors and exclusions. Spain’s response signals tension in the aftermath as experts predict diplomatic implications.”

Segob Plans Maclovio Rojas Titles

Segob’s announcement on Maclovio Rojas’ land regularization brings hope to residents. Governor assures support for a smooth process despite upcoming protests. Ongoing efforts aim for legal certainty statewide.