BC RP Council Seat Allocations

In a recent development, PR council seat allocations were approved for key BC municipalities, ensuring diverse representation for Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate, Tijuana, Rosarito, San Quintín, and San Felipe.

### Approved Allocations for RP Council Seats in BC Municipalities

On August 22, 2024, the General Council of the State Electoral Institute approved the allocation of council seats by the principle of Proportional Representation (PR) for the municipalities of Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate, Tijuana, Rosarito, San Quintín, and San Felipe.

The initial approval took place on August 21 by the Commission of Political Party Regime and Financing, chaired by councilor Vera Juárez Figueroa. She noted that the allocations were determined based on Article 79 of the local Constitution, in conjunction with Article 31 of the Electoral Law.

To qualify for PR council seats, political parties or independent candidates had to meet three criteria: register a complete slate of candidates for the municipal council in the respective municipality, obtain at least 3% of the vote cast on June 2, and not have received the respective majority certificate, as these positions are reserved for those who had a narrow margin of defeat.

Based on these parameters, the council seats were allocated as follows for each municipality:

– **Ensenada**: Adrián García García (PAN), Brenda Mendoza Kawanishi (Encuentro Solidario), Armando Díaz Hoeflich (Movimiento Ciudadano), Jaqueline Denise Izabal Bitterlin (Fuerza por México), Juan Isaías Bertín Sandoval (Partido del Trabajo), Ana Daniela García Salgado (PRI).
– **Mexicali**: Manuel Rudecindo García Fonseca, Sandra Dennis Cota Montes, Gustavo Magallanes Cortés (PAN), Luisa Fernanda Zuccoli Romero (PVEM), José Francisco Barraza Chiquete (Movimiento Ciudadano), Joel Abraham Blas Ramos (PRI), María de Jesús Márquez Amavizca (Partido del Trabajo).
– **Tecate**: Pedro Jesús Torres Salas, Karolina Fraijo Velázquez (Encuentro Solidario), Laura Estela Sevilla García (PAN), Sonia López Montoya (Partido del Trabajo), Claudia Raquel Cota (PRI).
– **Tijuana**: Georgina Arana Cruz, Miguel Antonio Loza Ginuez, Sandra Betsaida Magaña Ríos (PAN), Melissa Pacheco Silveyra, Jesús Javier Merino Cuevas (Movimiento Ciudadano), Joel Fabián Guardado Reynaga (Partido del Trabajo), Ranier Alejandro Falcón Martínez (Encuentro Solidario).
– **Rosarito**: Luis Ricardo Martínez Cabrales, Yannett Sepúlveda Carreón (PRI), Joanna Eugenia Garay Machado, Alan Isaí Bautista Plascencia (Movimiento Ciudadano), Graciela Aguirre Higuera (Partido del Trabajo).
– **San Quintín**: Alfredo Aviña Galván (independent), Enrique Ramos Romero (PVEM), Ashley Giselle Casillas Gómez (Partido del Trabajo), Gabriel Soria Cuevas (PAN), Jesús Martínez Romero (Movimiento Ciudadano).
– **San Felipe**: Cristina Isabel Tiznado Hernández, Carlos Alberto Morones Galindo, Rosa Amelia Cortez Gómez (PVEM), Idelba Tanairy Hernández Mayoral (Movimiento Ciudadano), Mitza Nohemí Hernández Winkler (PAN).

### Additional news from Baja California

#### Canadian Ambassador Expresses Investor Concerns Over Mexican Judicial Reform

The Canadian Ambassador revealed that investors have significant concerns regarding the Mexican judicial reform. During a press conference on August 22, 2024, he emphasized the importance of legal stability and predictability for fostering a favorable investment climate. This statement comes amid ongoing discussions and debates surrounding the proposed judicial changes in Mexico, which aim to reshape the judiciary system.

#### Transition Team to Be Set Up Between AMLO and Sheinbaum

A transition team will be established between outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and incoming President Claudia Sheinbaum. Interestingly, López Obrador has not allocated any funds for the transition process. This setup aims to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibilities and duties as Sheinbaum prepares to take office.

#### Sheinbaum on “El Mayo” Case and the Assassination of Cuén

Claudia Sheinbaum, the incoming President, stated that the investigation by the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) regarding the “El Mayo” case and the assassination of political figure Cuén should be awaited. This issue is currently one of the high-profile cases garnering significant media and public attention.

#### Tijuana Firefighters Celebrate 102nd Anniversary

Tijuana firefighters celebrated their 102nd anniversary, highlighting their crucial role in public safety and emergency response. During the event, the department reaffirmed its commitment to community service and preparedness in dealing with various emergencies.

Stay informed with TJGringo.com for the latest updates and detailed news reports from Baja California and beyond.