Baja Women Ready to Recharge

Join the Baja Women’s Conference for a day of self-care, empowerment, and fun. Recharge, connect with like-minded women, and experience sessions in English, Spanish, and Spanglish. See you there, chicas!

# The 2nd Baja Women’s Conference is Here to Save Your Sanity: Ready to Recharge?

Ladies of Baja, get ready to dust off your best yoga pants and dedicate a day entirely to yourself—no kids, no partners, no to-do lists. Just you, a group of like-minded women, and an agenda designed to recharge your life batteries.

Mark your calendars, set your alarms, and clear your schedules for Saturday, September 21st. From 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, the Second Baja Women’s Conference will take place at CEART in Rosarito. Think of it as a spa day for your soul, but with more chakras, creativity, and a side of salsa dancing.

This isn’t your typical conference where you might get drowsy from too much coffee. No, this day is purposely planned to make you feel like the rockstar you are. Whether you’re looking to rediscover your creative side, harmonize your chakras, or have a comfortable chat about sex (yes, you heard that right), there’s something here for everyone.

### What’s on the Agenda?

The sessions will be offered in English, Spanish, and even a bit of Spanglish, because we know you’ve got that bilingual game down. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:

**Bilingual Sessions:**
– Start your day with Gloria Snyder’s “Women’s Circle.”
– Carol Clary will help you “Find and Strengthen Your Voice in Life, Speech, and Song.”
– Rose Lee’s session on “Chakras, Reiki, Singing Bowls” for some serious zen.

**English Sessions:**
– Sherri Jaye’s “A Comfortable Chat on Sex” where nothing’s off-limits.
– Winifred Morice discusses “Nutrition: Wellness is an Inside Job.”
– Sue McDevitt delves into “The Role of Creativity in Self Care.”
– Alice Vernoux’s “Female Myth of Servitude: Reframing the Caretaker Role.”
– Shauna Robeson’s “Healing Art Therapy.”
– Karen Schuppert’s session on “Building a Healthy Pantry.”
– Marti and Karri Benjamin guide you through “Making Your End-of-Life Wishes Known.”
– Maria Denzin helps you balance it all out in “Stress and Creating Balance.”
– Suzanne Mulroy dives into what it means to be truly healthy in “Rethinking Dis-ease and What it Means to Be Healthy.”
– Marti Benjamin returns with “Flourish: The Science of Well-being.”
– Elizabeth Bello’s “Transforming Trauma to Passion.”
– Dr. Gloria Godinez’s “Menopause and Andropause.”

**Spanish Sessions:**
– Dra. Gloria Godinez on “Entendiendo la Menopausia y la Andropausia.”
– Dra. Neblina Ninel Vega Salazar explores “La Otra Cara de la Depresión.”
– Lic. Claudia Araujo’s “Sanando a Tu Niña Interior.”
– Sue McDevitt’s “El Papel de la Creatividad en el Autocuidado.”
– Gloria Snyder’s “El Poder de tu Palabra.”
– Dra. Elvia Moreno Berry’s “Mujeres y Empoderamiento.”
– Nina Raffaele Aponte’s “Empoderamiento de la Nutrición Holística.”

And don’t forget the salsa dancing lesson with Gabriela López Arnaut to wrap up your day! Not only will you leave with a refreshed mind and spirit, but you’ll also have some new dance moves to show off at your next fiesta.

### Why Should You Care?

Let’s be honest—life gets hectic. Between work, family, and the occasional meltdown over where to put the avocado toast on the food pyramid, we all need a day to focus on number one: YOU. The Baja Women’s Conference is your golden ticket to do just that. You’ll leave feeling refreshed, motivated, and maybe even a little bit wiser—or at least with a better-stocked pantry.

But it’s not just about the sessions; it’s about connecting with other women who understand your experiences. This is your tribe, and they’re waiting to meet you.

Tickets are going fast (seriously, who wouldn’t want in on this?). Grab yours online for $65.00, or if you’re a last-minute planner, they’re $75.00 at the door. Head over to the Baja Women’s Conference website for all the details, session info, and to secure your ticket before they’re gone.

So, whether you’re looking to strengthen your voice, balance your chakras, or have a good laugh while learning a thing or two, the Second Baja Women’s Conference is where you need to be. This isn’t just an event—it’s an investment in yourself. And let’s face it, you’re worth it.

Don’t miss out on this chance to recharge, refocus, and maybe even dance like nobody’s watching (but if they are, you’ll be ready). See you there, chicas!

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