Baja Will Arrangement Month

September in Baja California is prime for managing your will with ease. Discover the necessary steps, inheritance order, types of wills, and local initiatives for support and compliance.

### September: Month to Arrange Your Will in Baja California

September is the ideal time to manage your will in Baja California, thanks to the various benefits and discounts available during the month. If you’re considering creating a will but are unsure of the requirements or costs, here’s a comprehensive guide.

#### Necessary Steps and Documentation

1. **Visit a Notary**: Submit your application with necessary personal details, including full name, birth date, address, marital status, and occupation.
2. **Required Documents**: Bring your birth certificate and official identification, both in original and copy forms.
3. **Designate an Executor**: This person will ensure your will is followed precisely.

In case of the testator’s death, the heirs must provide the death certificate and the will’s testimony to complete the inheritance process.

#### Order of Inheritance

When considering who will inherit your assets, it’s important to note the hierarchy:
1. Descendants
2. Spouse, common-law partner
3. Ascendants
4. Collateral relatives up to the fourth degree

The minimum age for creating a will may vary depending on the state.

#### Types of Wills in Mexico

Mexico’s legal system recognizes various types of wills:

1. **Special Wills**
– **Maritime**: Created while at sea aboard national naval vessels, in the presence of two witnesses and the captain.
– **Private**: Made in severe situations when other forms aren’t possible, losing validity if the testator recovers.
– **Foreign**: Executed outside national borders according to local laws.
– **Military**: Completed by soldiers entering combat or injured in battle.
– **Agrarian or Successor List**: For ejidatarios or community members designating a land successor, registered with the National Agrarian Registry.

2. **Ordinary Wills**
– **Public Open**: Executed before a notary who documents it in a formal script.
– **Public Closed**: Written and signed by the testator, sealed and validated by a notary and witnesses.
– **Holographic**: Written, dated, and signed entirely by the testator, archived with a competent authority.
– **Simplified**: Embedded in the property acquisition documents, specifying property heirs.

### Additional Information

#### Secondary Article: Extending Support for Utility Bills

Residents of Baja California may receive support of up to 1400 pesos for their electricity bills. This initiative aims to alleviate financial burdens and ensure uninterrupted access to essential services.

#### Upcoming Deadlines: “Chocolate” Car Decree

The regulation permitting “chocolate” or foreign-plated vehicles’ legality concludes on September 30th. Ensure compliance to avoid potential penalties.

#### Educational Challenges: Teacher Shortage in Tijuana

The Miguel Hidalgo Primary School faces a shortage of teachers, affecting four groups of students. Parents await notification from authorities regarding a resolution.

#### National Earthquake Drill Participation

Onlookers in Tijuana joined the national earthquake drill to enhance readiness for seismic events. Key government and educational institutions participated, demonstrating a collective commitment to safety.

### Conclusion

Take advantage of this month’s offerings to arrange your will with ease and clarity. Stay informed about potential financial aids and regulatory changes that may affect daily life in Baja California.

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