Baja Schools Resume Monday

**Governor secures pay agreement with unions for a smooth return to school on August 26. SNTE support announced, but CNTE raises concerns, potential disruption by Tuesday. Stay informed with TJGringo.**

### State Government Ensures Classes Resume This Monday

The Governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, confirmed the return to school for primary education on Monday, August 26. In a significant announcement, she revealed that an agreement had been reached with the leadership of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) for the long-awaited retroactive pay of 11% salary increment for active workers and retired teachers of Section 37. Additionally, issues concerning payments and labor disputes for Section 2 were also addressed.

### Classes to Commence Regularly

Governor Marina del Pilar utilized social media to announce that the retroactive pay will be disbursed on Friday, August 30. She emphasized that the commitment to education is demonstrated through concrete actions. “To all parents, regular classes will commence as planned,” she stated in her video address.

### Endorsement from SNTE Officials

To further signal unity, a photograph featuring the key leaders of Sections 2 and 37, Juan Enrique Villanueva Villa and Ampelio Íñiguez Arellano, was released, showing their support for the Governor’s announcement.

### CNTE Opposes Return to Classes

Despite the optimistic portrayal, Marco Antonio Pacheco Peña, the state coordinator for the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) in Baja California, voiced opposition to the claimed resumption of classes. He made it clear that classes would only resume once teachers see the payment deposited in their accounts, suggesting that activities are unlikely to restart by Monday but may do so by Tuesday.

Pacheco accused the Governor of failing to address payments for interim teachers, a critical issue with significant financial implications. “If the strike is lifted, more than 2,700 educational workers will be left defenseless without pay,” he said, emphasizing the necessity to continue their struggle for guaranteed payments to interim and state teachers.

### Additional News on the Issue

#### Protests and Demands Continue

In related news, recent protests by teachers across Baja California highlight ongoing dissatisfaction with the state’s handling of payment disputes. Despite assurances from the government, many educators have expressed frustration over delayed payments and unfulfilled promises.

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### Secondary Article: More Developments in Education Sector

#### Education Workers Continue Strikes Across Mexico

Amid ongoing controversies in Baja California, education workers in other Mexican states have also taken to the streets, demanding better pay and working conditions. In Jalisco and Oaxaca, teachers have organized large demonstrations, pressing their regional governments to address similar grievances. The nationwide solidarity among educators reflects a broader issue of systemic delays and unfulfilled commitments in the education sector.

#### Government Response to Teacher Protests

The federal government has acknowledged the increasing unrest and has promised to address the concerns of teachers more rapidly. However, many educators remain skeptical, wary of repeated delays and promises.

As the situation evolves, TJGringo remains dedicated to bringing you the latest news and updates from the education sector, ensuring you remain well-informed on matters that impact our society.

Stay tuned to for ongoing coverage and in-depth analysis of these critical issues in the education sector.