Baja Prosecutor Updates Case

**New Developments Expected:** Baja California Prosecutor hints at revealing more involvement in Servando’s disappearance. Family protests persist as state addresses wider issues. Stay updated on

### New Developments Expected in the Disappearance of Servando: Baja California Prosecutor’s Office

**Tijuana -** Relevant information regarding additional individuals involved in the disappearance of Servando Salazar is expected to be revealed in the coming hours, according to Baja California’s chief prosecutor, Rafael Orozco Vargas. During a recent press conference, Vargas confirmed significant progress in the investigation, which has already led to the arrest of two individuals for their involvement in the crime of enforced disappearance.

Family members of Servando Salazar have been vocal in their frustration and have physically blocked the entrance to Prime Wheel in protest. The wife of the missing individual, Wendy Bravo, has received support from the State Attorney General’s Office. Vargas stated, “We understand she is satisfied with the work of the Prosecutor’s Office, yet there is an urgent need to determine the whereabouts of her husband. We are committed to providing answers to her concerns.”

However, Vargas declined to disclose further details about Servando’s possible location or DNA evidence, citing the need to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

In addition to the primary concerns regarding Salazar’s disappearance, it has been reported that authorities are considering inspecting the furnaces at Prime Wheel as part of their search efforts.

### Secondary News: Community Protests and Measures Affected

**Family Protests at Prime Wheel Continue Indefinitely**

The relatives of Servando Salazar have declared an indefinite blockade of the entrance to Prime Wheel, emphasizing their demands for information on his whereabouts. This action reflects a broader outcry from local communities affected by enforced disappearances and highlights the tense atmosphere surrounding the case.

**State Response and Future Policy Considerations**

The state government acknowledges the urgent need to address issues of public safety and transparency. In recent discussions, suggestions have been made to develop better policies to tackle gentrification in Tijuana and address the widespread water shortages impacting the agricultural sector. Furthermore, there is an ongoing debate about the potential dissolution of the ITAIPBC and the reassignment of its responsibilities to another governmental body.

**Local Cultural Events and Public Health Concerns**

In lighter news, the closing week of the Tijuana Fair promises performances from notable artists such as Remmy Valenzuela and Chiquis Rivera. However, on a more serious note, the local hospital reports a critical shortage of blood donations, particularly for children suffering from leukemia, urging the community to contribute.

### Additional Related Articles

**Investigation Updates:** Authorities continue to explore additional leads and gather evidence, hoping to bring more perpetrators to justice.

**Economic and Social Impact:** The blockade at Prime Wheel disrupts operations and brings attention to the larger issue of workers’ rights and safety in the region.

**State Policy Shifts:** Legislative measures are in discussion to improve public services and governance, potentially affecting transparency and resource management in Baja California.

For more updates and news on this developing story, stay tuned to