Baja ITAIPBC Future in Question

Potential dissolution of ITAIPBC in Baja California raises scrutiny. Governor Ávila Olmeda hints at structural changes, but assures continued openness to transparency requests. Economic impact of DNR model in Tijuana also discussed.

**Primary Article: Potential Dissolution of ITAIPBC Under Scrutiny in Baja California**

The future of the Instituto de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública del Estado de Baja California (ITAIPBC) is under review. Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda has expressed alignment with a presidential initiative to potentially dissolve autonomous organizations, including the ITAIPBC. While she did not clearly state whether the agency would indeed be dismantled, Ávila Olmeda confirmed that the matter is open for analysis.

In her weekly press conference, the governor emphasized that, regardless of the possible structural changes, transparency requests from the public would continue to be met with full openness. “Of course, anyone can continue to make transparency requests, and they will always receive answers with complete transparency,” she assured.

Ávila Olmeda also noted the importance of evaluating the actual performance of such autonomous organizations before making any decisions. She acknowledged the efforts of the ITAIPBC and its team in Baja California and insisted that a thorough diagnosis would be crucial for any local decisions following federal reforms.

**Secondary Article: Economic Impact of DNR Implementation in Tijuana**

The recent application of the Designated Business Responder (DNR) model could significantly impact Tijuana’s economy, according to the local business chamber, Canaco Servytur. The organization highlighted potential disruptions, particularly in sectors reliant on stable and transparent business practices.

Experts within Canaco Servytur argue that while the intent behind DNR aims to enhance regulatory compliance, its implementation needs a careful approach to avoid unintended economic consequences. Local businesses are advised to stay informed and potentially seek guidance on navigating these new regulatory landscapes.

In related news, the local economy is also expected to see fluctuations with the proposed federal reforms that include the potential dissolution of autonomous transparency organizations like the ITAIPBC. Business leaders are keeping a close watch on these developments, understanding that transparency is vital for maintaining investor confidence and economic stability.

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