Baja California Eyes New Sectors

Baja California’s industrial growth focuses on aerospace, technology, medical devices, and military sectors for development, leveraging proximity to the U.S. and emerging markets. Aiming for a transparent and stable business environment amidst judicial reforms will pave the way for increased investments.

### Primary Article:

## Industrial Sector in Baja California Should Leverage Emerging Sectors: Deitac

After the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies began modernizing their aircraft fleets, stated Carlos Higuera, treasurer of the Tijuana Economic and Industrial Development organization (Deitac). He emphasized the importance of Baja California’s industry taking advantage of booming sectors, such as aerospace, technology, medical devices, and military.

Higuera highlighted that major aerospace companies are key players where components could be manufactured locally. “When we talk about aerospace, we usually think of airplanes, but there’s also the space sector, including satellites and rockets, which are equally vital,” he said.

The technology sector is another promising area, particularly in software development, rather than large-scale processes that require extensive manpower. “Technology is making processes more automated, and these products need software. Many companies are arriving that not only design products but also create the software integrated into them,” Higuera added.

Deitac has recently attended international fairs and noticed that many medical device manufacturers could potentially relocate to Baja California, given its proximity to the United States, the primary consumer of these devices. “The medical device sector has been continuously growing for decades. We represent a significant segment because we have access to the largest market, the U.S., while maintaining affordable manufacturing costs,” he explained.

Higuera also mentioned that the military sector requires further development, as several Baja California-based companies indirectly participate in producing certain components. “The military sector is incredibly important in the U.S. and globally, generating massive profits. We could potentially enter this market but need the right conditions and government approvals,” he noted. This involves obtaining special quality certifications and permits.

“We are already making various components in equipment, armament, and satellites, but assembly is still done outside of Mexico,” he concluded.

### Secondary Article:

## Potential Increase in Investment Despite Judicial Reforms: Deitac Insights

Following the recent judicial reforms, investments in Baja California have seen some fluctuations. However, experts believe that the stringent measures may eventually lead to a more transparent and stable business environment, attracting more foreign investment in the long run.

Carlos Higuera from Deitac shared that while there might be short-term setbacks, the end goal is a more streamlined judicial system that could benefit businesses. “Despite the initial hesitation, clearer regulations and transparency will help build investor confidence,” he remarked.

Additional insights were provided by representatives from various industries during a recent summit focused on economic growth strategies in the region. Key sectors discussed were renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, and digital services.

Industry leaders stressed the importance of collaborative efforts between government entities and private firms to navigate the evolving economic landscape effectively. “We need to focus on building synergies that can address both bureaucratic challenges and leverage our geographical advantages,” one expert noted.

These discussions underscored the complex yet promising future for Baja California’s industrial sectors, urging all stakeholders to remain adaptable and proactive in pursuing new opportunities amidst regulatory changes.

This focus on adaptability and breaking into emerging markets suggests a bright yet challenging road ahead for Baja California, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and international collaboration.

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