Baja Battle Cartel Crisis

**Tackling Cartel Influence in Baja California** Governor Ávila confronts cartel threats and accusations, urging thorough investigations and accountability to combat escalating violence and restore public trust amid growing criminal activities in the region. #BajaCalifornia #CartelInfluence

### Governing Baja California Amid Cartel Violence

In the early 2000s, Baja California’s streets were battlegrounds in a fierce war between the Arellano Félix and Sinaloa cartels. Governor José Guadalupe Osuna Millán spearheaded a multi-institutional effort to combat narcotrafficking, targeting criminals from both cartels equally. One notorious figure, Teodoro “El Teo” García Simental, defected from the Arellano Félix cartel to join Sinaloa, triggering a violent narcowar that claimed thousands of lives and forced many wealthy residents to flee to other parts of Mexico or the United States.

El Teo attempted to intimidate Governor Osuna with threats and public displays, but coordinated forces, including the Mexican Army, maintained the rule of law. This led to the establishment of a Unified Command model in Baja California, which was eventually abandoned as new administrations took over.

Today, Baja California is under the leadership of its first female governor, Marina Ávila Olmeda. The state’s security apparatus includes a Mexican Army General as Secretary of Public Security and a female state attorney general. Despite these changes, the region now faces three criminal organizations: the enduring Arellano Félix and Sinaloa cartels, and the rising Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Although official statistics suggest a decrease in homicides, Baja California remains one of the most violent states in Mexico, with Tijuana frequently ranking as one of the world’s most dangerous cities. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration has continued the trend of relying on militarized security forces, such as the National Guard, to combat drug-related violence. However, these efforts have not significantly improved safety in the region.

The lack of effective intelligence and investigative work by the federal and state attorney general offices and security secretariats has allowed cartels to flourish. The criminal organizations send messages to Governor Ávila, not to threaten her, but to complain about perceived biases among law enforcement officials.

In an unprecedented move, at least five public banners from criminal groups have been addressed to the governor, accusing her and various security and judicial officials of partiality. Despite these serious allegations, there has been no scientific investigation to identify the criminals behind these messages or to verify the accusations. This lack of action has led to public concern over the credibility of these criminal claims and the potential collusion of state authorities with criminal organizations.

The escalating messages from cartels highlight the urgent need for Governor Ávila to take decisive action. She needs to investigate these allegations thoroughly and ensure accountability within her administration to restore public trust and effectively combat the ongoing violence.

### Second Article: Ongoing Cartel Influence in Baja California

Recent reports from various sources highlight the growing influence of cartels in Baja California, despite efforts by local and federal authorities to combat their activities.

#### Increased Cartel Activities in Baja California

**Increased Drug Plantations in Tecate:** According to local law enforcement, there has been a noticeable increase in marijuana plantations in the Tecate region. Authorities are struggling to keep up with the sheer volume of illegal activity, indicating a rise in cartel influence in agricultural lands.

**Criminal Corruption Within Police Forces:** The Attorney General’s Office (FGE) has found evidence suggesting that some police officers in Baja California are colluding with criminal organizations. This revelation further complicates the task of eradicating cartel influence in the region.

**High-Profile Arrests in Mexico City:** Recently, a former deputy from Mexicali was detained in Mexico City. He was found carrying a firearm and a significant amount of cash, raising questions about his involvement with criminal groups.

As the security situation remains precarious, efforts to curtail cartel activities continue. However, without addressing internal corruption and implementing a cohesive strategy involving investigative and intelligence-driven approaches, the cycle of violence and criminal influence in Baja California is likely to persist.

Stay updated with for the latest developments on security issues in Baja California and beyond.