Ayala’s Budget Favoritism

Ayala’s favored departments drive budget growth, increasing expenses by 55% over his two terms as mayor, with controversies surrounding tax hikes and alleged extortion.

### Ayala’s Favorite Departments Dominate Budget

In just a few days, Claudia Ágatón Muñiz will assume the role of mayor, even as the municipal territory has shrunk by 37% due to the municipalization of San Quintín. Remarkably, the payroll has seen a significant increase, according to transparency figures.

An analysis of the outgoing administration of Morenista Armando Ayala Robles, now Senator for Baja California, reveals that while revenues increased, personal expenses grew by 55%. Official data from the National Transparency Platform (PNT) shows that the number of employees rose from 3,165 in November 2018 to 3,463 in 2024, not including those in municipal subsidiaries.

During Armando Ayala Robles’ two terms (one for two years and another for three years), expenses increased steadily, reaching 900 million pesos between 2019 and 2023. Notable hikes include the Revenue Collection Office, which soared from 384.6 to 839.4 million pesos, and the Alcohol and Public Entertainment Office, which jumped from 256 to 389.4 million pesos.

However, revenues from fines and other charges declined from 121.5 to 99.1 million pesos. Interestingly, federal support increased significantly, from 1,091 million pesos to 1,443 million.

Despite these gains, expenses in certain departments such as the Councilors, Oversight, and the President’s Office also surged. The debt with which Ayala Robles assumed office was 2.776 billion pesos, and it now stands at 2.752 billion, a decrease of just 0.87%.

Both the Municipal Treasury, headed by Vicente Maldonado del Toro, and the Mayor’s Office, led by Juan Guillen Sanchez, were consulted but had not responded by the time of publication.

Short-term public debt has risen by 37%, while long-term obligations have decreased by nearly 20%. Departments like Maintenance saw significant budget overruns, using 437.7 million pesos in 2023 compared to 181.3 million in 2019.

As a result, government spending grew by over 950 million pesos, representing a 50% increase over Armando Ayala’s two terms. Notably, the councilors’ salaries remained the same, but their overall budget increased.

Claudia Ágatón Muñiz will inherit these financial complexities, with opposition voices like Carmen Iñiguez from the PAN condemning Ayala Robles’ tenure as opaque and irresponsible.

### Secondary Article

#### Controversies Mark Ayala’s Tenure

Armando Ayala Robles’ term as mayor has not been without controversy. The administration faced severe criticism for issues such as tax hikes and alleged extortion. According to Carmen Iñiguez, these actions disproportionately affected small to large businesses. The public security sector also saw increased budget but lacked positive results, culminating in tragedies like the San Vicente massacre.

The politician’s tenure was further marked by allegations of authoritarian decision-making and a general disregard for public consultation, as evidenced by the unapproved construction of a bike lane that sparked public outcry.

Meanwhile, Ayala Robles has been under scrutiny for his real estate acquisitions in Ensenada, raising questions about the propriety of such investments vis-à-vis his reported income and positions.

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