AMLO Hits Back at US Envoy

President López Obrador condemns U.S. Ambassador’s interference, labeling remarks as disrespectful and interventionist. Mexican sovereignty and internal matters must be respected.

### AMLO Responds to U.S. Ambassador’s Statements, Calling Them “Interventionist, Unfortunate, and Reckless”

Date: August 23, 2024

In a press conference held on August 23, 2024, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador described the statements made by Kenneth Lee Salazar, the United States Ambassador to Mexico, as “acts of disrespect to our sovereignty, unfortunate and reckless declarations.” The comments from the U.S. diplomat were made the previous day, warning that the judicial reform proposed by López Obrador on February 5, 2024, which includes the direct election of judges, could pose a risk to democracy and economic integration.

During his morning conference at the National Palace’s Treasury Hall, López Obrador criticized the U.S. government’s “interventionist policy,” and disclosed that a formal protest note had been issued following Salazar’s remarks.

“For many years, the United States has applied an interventionist policy across America, ever since the Monroe Doctrine was established, claiming ‘America for Americans,’ often interpreted as America belongs to the United States, not the rest of the continent. They have long determined policies in other countries, installed and removed presidents at will, invaded nations, and established protectorates. We have been invaded twice unjustly and arrogantly. The first invasion deprived us of half our territory during the War of Intervention,” recounted the Mexican President.

“Recently, as you pointed out, there have been acts of disrespect toward our sovereignty, like this unfortunate and reckless statement by Ambassador Ken Salazar. A diplomatic note has been issued, and I stand by what the Foreign Affairs Ministry has documented: we do not accept interventionism or any interference from foreign government representatives in matters that only Mexicans should resolve,” emphasized López Obrador.

The protest was delivered by the Mexican Foreign Ministry after Salazar suggested that the judicial reform discussed in Congress would jeopardize democracy, bilateral trade relations, and even allow for narcotraffic infiltration.

“The Foreign Ministry expresses its deep discontent with Ambassador Salazar’s comments on internal matters of full national sovereignty,” read the statement quoted by López Obrador.

“The main objective of the constitutional reform initiative is to strengthen the Rule of Law through a reform of the Judicial Power, conducted via the democratic processes outlined in the Mexican Constitution,” stressed the Foreign Ministry.

“The Government of Mexico is committed to a Judiciary that enjoys true independence, autonomy, and legitimacy, thereby strengthening the Rule of Law and improving access to justice for all,” the ministry added.

“Thus, the Ambassador’s statement expressing a position on this issue, strictly an internal matter of the Mexican State, represents an unacceptable act of interference and contravenes Mexican sovereignty. It does not reflect the degree of mutual respect characterizing our bilateral relations,” concluded the Foreign Ministry’s communication.

### Additional Developments on the U.S.-Mexico Diplomatic Tension

In light of the controversy provoked by Ambassador Salazar’s comments, more reactions and developments have emerged.

**Canadian Concerns**:
On August 22, 2024, the Canadian Ambassador to Mexico also expressed concern over the proposed judicial reforms, suggesting that Canadian investors are worried about the potential implications for the business environment in Mexico. The ambassador’s remarks highlight the international attention that Mexico’s internal policy changes are garnering and the potential economic ripple effects.

**Support for AMLO’s Stance**:
Several Latin American leaders have voiced support for President López Obrador’s stance against foreign intervention. This solidarity underscores regional resistance to perceived overreach from external powers and the importance of maintaining national sovereignty in decision-making processes.

**Economic Implications**:
Economic analysts warn that the ongoing diplomatic friction could affect trade relations between the U.S. and Mexico. The uncertainties surrounding the judicial reform and its implications for the rule of law could also impact foreign investments, with businesses seeking clearer assurances on the stability and predictability of Mexico’s legal system.

**Public Opinion**:
Public reaction in Mexico has been mixed, with some citizens expressing support for the President’s firm stance on sovereignty, while others are concerned about the potential diplomatic fallout and its effects on international relations and economic stability.

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