AMLO Confronts García Luna Claims

AMLO challenges García Luna to provide proof of narcotic ties; Sheinbaum defends AMLO’s integrity against false accusations to discredit him. Stay informed for new developments on

### AMLO Demands Evidence from García Luna Over Alleged Ties to Narcos; Sheinbaum Accuses Attempt to Tarnish

On September 18, 2024, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called on Genaro García Luna, former head of the now defunct Ministry of Public Security (SSP) during Felipe Calderón’s administration, to provide evidence backing his accusations that AMLO and his associates have connections with drug cartel leaders.

“Let him present the evidence—videos, calls, audios—it’s straightforward. He has all the means to do it,” AMLO stated during his morning press conference at the National Palace’s Treasury Hall.

AMLO outlined García Luna’s career trajectory, starting from his role in the now-dissolved Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN) in 1989, under Carlos Salinas de Gortari’s administration, to his later position as head of SSP.

The President also referenced García Luna’s involvement in the investigation of the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, a former PRI presidential candidate who was murdered in 1994 in Tijuana. López Obrador suggested that García Luna, through his various government roles, would have ample information about him due to his opposition activities at the time.

López Obrador emphasized the importance of moral authority and honesty for public officials. “It’s crucial to maintain moral authority and not establish relationships of complicity with anyone if one is to work for the benefit of the people,” he remarked.

The President dismissed the need for legal action in response to García Luna’s allegations, describing them as acts of desperation. He criticized the lack of support from García Luna’s former allies, including ex-President Calderón, and mentioned U.S. institutions that once recognized García Luna’s work.

Claudia Sheinbaum, the President-elect, also weighed in, dismissing García Luna’s accusations as baseless and politically motivated attempts to tarnish López Obrador’s reputation. Sheinbaum reiterated AMLO’s integrity and emphasized that he had always acted without criminal connections.

García Luna, who faces sentencing on October 9, 2024, accused AMLO and his associates in a handwritten four-page letter sent from a New York correctional facility. García Luna claimed that false testimonies and fabricated evidence were used to convict him and reiterated his innocence.

### Additional News Related to García Luna’s Accusations

Recent reports have surfaced providing more context to the ongoing controversy. On September 17, 2024, García Luna’s letter mentioned specific accusations, including supposed dealings between AMLO’s government and Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. García Luna asserted that U.S. authorities had pressured him to implicate Mexican institutions and individuals.

García Luna alleged that he had been recorded for over 2,000 hours by cellmates attempting to incriminate him, claiming he is held in inhumane conditions. He stated that there is public and official evidence of contacts and communications between AMLO, his operators, and drug cartel leaders.

The former security chief maintained that the absence of concrete evidence like documents, photos, and financial records during his trial should exonerate him. He pointed out that a Mexican judicial tribunal determined his assets accrued over 20 years of public service to be legal, finding no illicit income linked to drug trafficking.

In other related developments, García Luna criticized the current government’s stance on the capture of “El Mayo” Zambada, suggesting it compromised Mexico’s judicial integrity and favored criminals.

Stay tuned to for further updates on this evolving story.