AMLO Boosts Guard and Rights

“AMLO signs groundbreaking reforms for National Guard and indigenous communities, ensuring public safety and rights. Additional efforts include pensions for victims and addressing public safety incidents.”

### AMLO Signs Reforms to National Guard and Indigenous Communities

In his last morning press conference on September 30, 2024, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed significant reforms concerning the National Guard and the rights of indigenous and Afro-Mexican communities.

“I want to end by signing here in front of you the publications of two constitutional reforms. One of them pertains to the creation of the National Guard, which is an institution aimed at guaranteeing public safety,” said López Obrador.

He emphasized that the National Guard now boasts 135,000 members and has established 500 facilities and barracks. “This institution is accredited to protect citizens and, with this reform, it will now be part of the Secretary of National Defense [SEDENA], which will provide it with solidity, permanence, discipline, and honest management,” he added.

The second reform addresses the rights of indigenous communities in Mexico. “The reform guarantees rights to all communities, it caters to the most profound and genuine aspects of our country. This reform was approved by Congress, the Chamber of Deputies, senators, and 26 local legislatures,” explained the President.

President López Obrador was accompanied by Luis María Alcalde Luján, Secretary of Governance; Luis Crescencio Sandoval González, Secretary of Defense; María Estela Ríos González, Legal Counsel of the Federal Executive; and Adelfo Regino Montes, Director of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INPI).

### Additional News: AMLO’s Broader Legislative Efforts

In other legislative endeavors, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador continues to push for reforms that shape the socio-political landscape of Mexico. Here are some updates:

**1. Decree for Life Pension to ABC Nursery Victims**

President López Obrador released a decree on September 29, 2024, granting a life pension to the victims of the ABC Nursery tragedy. This move aims to provide long-term support and recognition to the affected families.

**2. Military Tragedy in Sinaloa**

The President also expressed his deep sorrow over the recent deaths of military personnel in Sinaloa, describing them as martyrs who acted heroically.

**3. Public Safety Incidents in Tijuana**

In public safety news, a man was killed in the Las Fuentes neighborhood in eastern Tijuana, and another individual was apprehended for assaulting a woman in the Pedregal de Santa Julia area.

With these reforms and decrees, President López Obrador strives to leave a notable legacy as his term progresses, focusing on public safety, indigenous rights, and social justice.

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